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如果您的網站沒有在families目錄中,您需要自行建立您的fmailies.py,請參閱[[Pywikipedia bot on non-Wikimedia projects]].
如果您的網站沒有在families目錄中,您需要自行建立您的fmailies.py,請參閱[[Pywikipedia bot on non-Wikimedia projects]].

====Configuration for non-wikimedia projects====
Refer to the article [[Pywikipedia bot on non-wikimedia projects]] for instructions on how to configure the bot to use it on your own mediawiki-powered project.
請參閱[[Pywikipedia bot on non-wikimedia projects]]

==Permission on wiki projects==
==Permission on wiki projects==

Revision as of 06:32, 16 June 2008

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Python Wikipediabot Framework (pywikipedia)是一組針對維基百科或維基媒體計劃等以MediaWiki架設的網站的自動執行更新工具。本頁將提供如何使用本軟體的一般資訊。


PyWikipediaBot是使用Python撰寫而成的程式,您需要安裝最新版的Python程式到您的電腦中才可以執行Pywikipediabot。部份程式雖可以在Python 2.3版執行,但目前沒有計劃相容舊版本的Python。


ActivePython可以於任何的平臺上運作(Unix, Linux, Mac, Windows),它也可以執行Pywikipediabot的程式碼。

  • windows系統:連結到這裡下載並安裝ActivePython
  • Unix系統:一般來說,Python會預設安裝在大部份的Unix版本,因此不需要下載(除非您系統的Python版本太舊才需要)
  • Macintosh,Python已包含在Mac OS X中





您可以使 用 SVN ([1] subversion.tigris.org)取得即時更新的Pywikipediabot資料。如果您使用Windows系統,我們建議您使用TortoiseSVN。Macintosh電腦可以參閱這個網頁










程式碼 解釋
mylang = 'xx'


usernames['wikipedia']['en'] = u'ExampleBot'




usernames['wikipedia']['de'] = u'BeispielBot'
usernames['wikipedia']['en'] = u'ExampleBot'
usernames['wiktionary']['de'] = u'BeispielBot'

(選項) 如果您要在一個以上的維基百科上執行,您需要增加數個用戶名稱。




程式碼 解釋
mylang = 'xx'


 family = 'sitename'



 usernames['memoryalpha']['en'] = u'ExampleBot'


在這個例子中,用戶是在英語Memory Alpha上執行工作,且已建立一個名為"ExampleBot"的用戶。






如果您的網站沒有在families目錄中,您需要自行建立您的fmailies.py,請參閱Pywikipedia bot on non-Wikimedia projects.


請參閱Pywikipedia bot on non-wikimedia projects

Permission on wiki projects

Make sure that your bot is approved by the wiki community where you are going to use it. Strictness of this differs greatly between various projects; at some you need to announce it in advance and get approval before you start, at others you can do whatever you want.

Using your normal browser, create a login name and password for the bot. It is best to use a name that makes clear that it is a bot, and preferably also who is operating it. A common method is to use your own login name and add the word 'bot' to it, but several other forms also exist.

On the English Wikipedia, bots are only allowed to be used if they are approved at en:Wikipedia:Bots/Requests for approval.

Request a bot flag

If you heavily use a bot, it will clutter recent changes. To avoid that, you can get your bot registered as such. In that case it will not be shown on Recent changes unless a user specifically asks to get bots included.

This can be done by a Bureaucrat. You can put a request to get your or someone else's bot registered at Requests for bot status. You will probably be asked for some kind of evidence that your local community agrees with your bot. On the English language Wikipedia, requests should be made at Requests for approvals. It is probably good to get your bot registered whenever it will edit many pages in a single run.


Select and run a bot script

Now we are ready to really start using the bot. You need to get to a textual interface to your Operating System.

On Windows this is done by opening the start menu, and clicking on 'Run'. You are asked to give the name of a program, type "cmd.exe".

  • Change the root to C: by typing chdir C:\
  • Type chdir \"name of the folder where pywikipedia bot has been downloaded" (For example: chdir \"pywikipedia" if the file is in the C: folder.)

On Mac, find Terminal.app in /Applications/Utilities.

On Linux or any other Unix, use any terminal application such as gnome-terminal, konsole, xterm, or simply the text-mode console.

Run the script login.py by typing "python login.py".

Python will then return:

Checked for running processes. 1 processes currently running, including the current process.
Password for user your_bot on your_site:en:

Use the password you used for the bot's login name. The bot can't work anonymously. Unless you change your password, you normally need to run this program only once, the bot usually does not get logged off.

The bots are in the main pywikipedia folder when downloaded. But it necessary, use the command cd to go to the directory where the bot files are saved.

Now run any of the bots here by typing "python botname.py" (If you are using Windows, you can leave out "python").


Here is a list of the existing bots with links to their descriptions:

  主要的機器人程式   其他的機器人程式  


Command-line arguments

Although many bot scripts have their own command line arguments, which should be documented on their respective pages (or in their source code), all bots unless specifically stated to the contrary recognize the following command line arguments:

Print a list of global bot arguments (this list), followed by bot-specific help if available.
Set the language of the wiki you want to work on to language code xx, overriding the configuration in user-config.py.
Set the family of the wiki you want to work on, e.g., wikipedia, wiktionary, wikitravel, ... This will override the configuration in user-config.py.
Enable the logfile. Logs will be stored in the logs subdirectory.
Enable the logfile, using xyz as the filename.
Disable the logfile (if it's enabled by default).
Set the minimum time (in seconds) the bot will wait between saving pages. The default value is 10.

For example, python scriptname.py -family:wiktionary will run the "scriptname" bot on wiktionary articles, overriding the default family setting in your user configuration.

Bot mailing list

It can be useful to subscribe to the bot mailing list (see http://lists.wikimedia.org/mailman/listinfo/Pywikipedia-l). Every time a file of the bot software is changed, a mail is sent to the list, so you know when you need to update to the new version.


For further updates chdir into 'pywikipedia' and type

$ svn update

On a Mac, you can write the following:

svn update pywikipedia

How to report a bug

When you report a bug please try to include:

  • PyWikipediaBot version in use. It's recommended to test if the bug is still present in latest SVN revision available.
  • Python version (python -V) and operating system you use (e.g. Windows, Linux, MacOS...)
  • A nice summary
  • Full description of the problem/report
  • How to reproduce bug full information (script, command line, family, and language used)
  • Output data

To submit a new bug visit the bug tracker provided by SourceForge.


If you have a function you want to have a bot for that is not yet provided by one of the bots, you can ask one of the programmers to write it for you. Or even better, you can try to work on the bots yourself. Python is a nice language, and not hard to learn. We will welcome you.


Here and in wikipedia.py, there are some very basic tips for getting started writing your own bot:

  • be sure you've set up your user-config.py file (see above)
  • To gain access to the pywikipedia framework, use:
import wikipedia
  • to retrieve a page, use the following, where pageName is, e.g., "Wikipedia:Bots" or "India":
site = wikipedia.getSite()
page = wikipedia.Page(site, u"pageName")
text = page.get(get_redirect = True)
  • to update a page, use:
page.put(u"newText", u"Edit comment")
  • look at some of the pywikipedia files for other ideas -- basic.py is relatively easy to read even if you're new to pywikipedia.
  • you can find all available Page methods in the wikipedia.py file.
  • basic.py gives you a setup that can be used for many different bots, all you have to do is define the string editing on the page text.
  • To iterate over a set of pages, see pagegenerators.py for some objects that return a set of pages. An example use of the CategoryPageGenerator that does something for each page in the Category:Living people category:
import catlib
import pagegenerators
site = wikipedia.getSite()
cat = catlib.Category(site,'Category:Living people')
gen = pagegenerators.CategorizedPageGenerator(cat)
for page in gen:
  #Do something with the page object, for example:
  text = page.get()

Create a quick shortcut to run commands (Windows users)

How to make a quick shortcut to run commands (Windows users).

If you're installing Pywikipediabot in a folder such as "My Documents" it may be troublesome to use the "cd" command to go into the folder all the time to run the bots (For those who don't get what that means, this will help you a lot).

On Windows you can create a shortcut which will open the command box you can use to run bots easily. Just follow these simple steps to create one:

  1. Open up the folder pywikipedia is installed in, in a window.
  2. Under File > New select Shortcut.
  3. Type in "cmd.exe" and hit next.
  4. You can give a name to the shortcut here, just "Pywikipediabot" is good.
  5. In the address bar (The text bar above where your files are which tells you where you are) copy the path there.
  6. Right click on the new shortcut and hit properties and paste that path you copied into the "Start in" text field.
  7. Hit ok, and now you have a shortcut to open the command line to run bots from.

Contributing changes

If you changed the bot and want to send a patch to the maintainer,

  1. Update to the current version (it will merge your changes with the improvements already committed to the SVN Repository),
  2. Resolve any conflicts caused by the update (grep for "=====" ;-) and
  3. Type:
$ svn diff > svn.diff

Review the diff to ensure it only includes the changes you want to contribute. The lines at the beginning starting with "?" should be removed.

If you are in direct contact with a Pywikipediabot developer, you can send the file svn.diff to him, but preferably attach the patch to a ticket in the Pywikipedia bug tracking system.

Multiple accounts

It is a common need to run python wikipedia bot under different accounts (main and/or multiple bot accounts). It can be done in two ways.

Separate pywikipedia distributions

One can install completely separate instances of pywikipedia in different directories (1 for each account) and have diferent user-config.py files in each of them. However, when updating the installation via SVN, one needs to run svn update on each folder separately. Also, every installation takes some disk space, which might be a problem on accounts with limited quota.

One pywikipedia distribution with symbolic links

Let's assume user foo has a current SVN working copy of pywikipedia in /home/foo/pywikipedia. For each of the accounts, he creates a separate directory:

foo@bar:~$ mkdir foobot
foo@bar:~$ cd foobot

Pywikipedia needs then some symlinks to the main code tree created in the working directory:

foo@bar:~/foobot$ ln -s ~/pywikipedia/families
foo@bar:~/foobot$ ln -s ~/pywikipedia/userinterfaces

Then, user-config.py for this account must be created as described in Configuration section above.

Finally, the bot must be logged in the usual way:

foo@bar:~/foobot$ python ~/pywikipedia/login.py

The working directory is ready. The scripts will however require a slight modification to run (the path to the pywikipedia tree must be added to Python's path).

import sys, os
sys.path.append(os.environ['HOME'] + '/pywikipedia')
import wikipedia

That's all. Updating to the newest version of pywikipedia on all account at once is now a matter of running svn update only in the ~/pywikipedia directory.

Bot & Proxy

There is probably (not tested!) draft workaround described here.


  1. "Check out"是將這些檔案從儲存庫上複製一份並取去的意思。
  2. a b 如果您打算在一個以上的語言執行bot,請選擇最常用的那個語言,未來在執行時您可以使用-lang參數來切換執行語言。
  3. 用戶名稱前頭的'u'指的是讓字串轉成Unicode編碼。如果您的用戶名稱並非英數字母,這個'u'就非常重要。

See also

External links