Uploads by Jimbo Wales

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File list
Date Name Thumbnail Size Description Current version
11:56, 12 August 2023 Wikimedia Endowment 2023-24 Plan - 2023-08-12 release date.pdf (file) 1.34 MB Presentation on the Wikimedia Endowment 2023-24 Plan. This is a working document prepared by staff not a formal filing document. All numbers are accurate to my knowledge at the time of publication, but may not be completely finalized to the last degree. Yes
09:03, 11 August 2023 Tides-Transition.png (file) 283 KB Timeline of transition from Tides of Wikimedia Endowment (planning document only) Yes
02:21, 11 September 2004 Wikipedia at Ars Electronica.JPG (file) 1.78 MB image of David Gerard and Arkady Rose from the London meetup, as displayed in a film about Wikipedia at the Linz Cyberarts Festival Yes