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This is an archived version of this page, as edited by Kuailong (talk | contribs) at 23:06, 29 October 2021 (Created page with "执行的草案指引仍然有许多不明之处。社群如何看到并讨论起草委员会正在进行中的修订?"). It may differ significantly from the current version.




我们通过Zoom主持了此次会议,并接受了来自Telegram和YouTube的提问,我们也在会前通过answers(_AT_)wikimedia.org邮箱地址收集问题(邮件标题中注明“Question for Maggie”)。





  • 我不能也不会讨论具体的信任与安全相关案例。我可以谈论信任与安全相关的规程、实践与行事方式,以及我们曾经犯过的一些错误,一些值得我骄傲的事情,还有一些我们希望达成的事情。
  • 我不会回应任何针对我、我的同僚或社群当中任何人的失礼性评论或问题。即便你我无法观点一致,我仍然能以文明的方式谈论我们的所作所为。在这一点上我不会妥协。



  1. 基金会是否可以公布一些有关所有全域锁定用户违规行为的证据?
    • 不可以。受制于法律原因,我们对于全域锁定用户能披露的信息受限。根据外部法务的建议,我们在公开发布相关信息问题上必须极度严格。
  2. 关于对中文维基人的基金会行动,知道你能分享的内容有限制,能否解释一下是什么导致了此决定,包括导火索是什么,为何现在行动(而不是更早或更晚),为何社区处理不了这种情况?关于对俄语维基人的基金会行动,我们也有兴趣问问同样的问题。
    • 关于我们如何走到了这一步:






      这个问题也关系到基金会在俄文计划中的行动。过去一个月里,共有两次影响到俄文用户的行动,但我猜我们讨论的是最近的这一次,涉及到维基新闻。对此我需要更加谨慎,因为正如我在会议开始时所言,由于法律原因我们不讨论全域封禁。我能够出来讲更多有关中文维基的事情是因为它涉及到了很多人,所以我不必指控特定的个人做了特定的事情。我们所说的是一种形式模式,涵盖了不同的人和不同的方式。 对于俄文维基新闻的情况,就不是这样的了。但是我能够说的是,因为信任与安全团队已经透露,这次调查始于七月份,由三个不同的人向我们提出了举报,其中包括一名俄语社群成员。我们审视了用户安全或软件系统的安全是否受到威胁。结论是我们不能允许此种风险继续存在。我们的律师审核了此结论并表示同意,因此我们采取了行动,同之前一样,我们在调查完成后采取行动,以防止任何未来可能发生的伤害。

  3. 在基金会2021年9月的行动之后,一部分用户永久离开了维基媒体计划,如维基百科。基金会对此持何看法?
    • 我以我个人,以及一名基金会高层职员的身份发言,但是我无法代表整个基金会全体高层。除非当人们觉得自己自己竭尽所能做出贡献而选择离开,其他任何原因离开都是很糟糕的,这包括他们觉得受人排挤或他们觉得无法信任基金会。我真希望有更好的办法避免此类情况发生。
  4. 短期或到中期有何实际性的新措施用以减小或避免恶毒的交流和冲突?短期到中期有何实际性的新措施用以鼓励鼓励友好的交流观点和创造一个健康或协作的社群,并同时保持社群的独立?
    • 迫在眉睫之事,正如你们不少人已经知晓的,是我们正在起草通用操守准则,用以帮助人们了解应如何行动,如何对待他人,以及他人反过来应该如何对待自己。我们还会搞明白如何施行这一准则,希望我们的方式能得到社群的大量协助,以及在本地社群一级以身作则。 我本身并没有在指导该采取各种执行方式,我也没有参与到那一流程当中,但我有在更高一层注视着其发展动向。我认为如果我们在长期想要成功,我们需要有办法帮助那些在各个维基媒体项目中贡献的人。作为一名维基百科人(我既是志愿者也是职员,不过我现在不太活跃),我最大的痛点之一就是我们应该帮助人们了解如何应对冲突,避免事态失控,我们失去了不少不错的人,如果他们得到了更多的指导懂得如何化解问题(如果当时有更好的做法,估计他们使用正确的语气),那他们是有可能可以和他人融洽且文明地合作,而不至于变成一场危机。



  5. 基金会采取一系列行动的目的是避免“社群抢占”。然而据我所知,除了WMC之外,也有其他人想控制中文维基百科,将其变为宣传平台……比如,反中国政府的宣传。现在其中一群人被清除,那基金会有何计划确保其他团体不借机将维基百科的内容带偏到另一个方向?
    • 中文维基媒体计划上除了WMC以外,还有更多的人希望将其变为对自己有利的内容,这一点上我并不意外。(对不起,这样的说法听起来好像是在说我认为所有参与WMC的人都有问题。我不这么想。)我认为,一个维基媒体计划的社群内存在不同观点,这是计划本身设计使然,不同观点的人在一起搞清楚什么是准确的信息是健康的。至于移除一个团体所造成的可能的权力真空,其他团体可能会反方向施加影响:我希望仍然活跃在中文社群里的成员会觉得安全,帮助我们监视需要我们协助的问题的发展。 我的目标是我们可以在不需要动用封禁的情况之前就提供协助,取而代之的是我们或许可以帮助提出新的流程,新的方法。我也知道我对通用操守准则寄以厚望。我一直都梦想有一天来自各维基的志愿者能够携手,帮助解决某个计划中出现的超越本地社群解决能力的危机。我们在这方面一直依赖于监管员,我也听到一些监管员表示他们不认为这是他们的职责。我真的希望我们能够携手构建一个更好的体系,以支持各个项目。与此同时,我邀请各位联系信任与安全团队。他们除了执行基金会行动外,现在还有一个抗击不实信息的团队,其职责为同社群成员合作找出问题,我们仍在考虑如何更好地协助你们。
  6. 在中文和克罗地亚语维基百科中执行通用操守准则与其他语言版本有何不同?目前版本的准则实施指引似乎缺少“被聆听的权利”。
    • 通用操守准则意在通用,在本地一级对其进行自定义则须以其被基础。社群是可以加入更多元素的。执行方式或许不能自定义,但是我们还在探索中。这一点上我没有一个确切的答复。执行方式应当合理。

      With respect to the universal code of conduct, and the right to defend themselves, I'm not in charge of what the enforcement guidelines are going to look like. We have a drafting committee who are working on that with input from communities. There will be a ratification process, I don't know yet what that will be, but once the ratification process has been completed, we will be trying it. Whether there's a right to defense that's included or not, what that looks like I don't know.

      I'm going to expand a little bit on this right to be heard to talk about how it works with Trust and Safety Office actions, because I'm sure that is also a matter of concern. When Trust and Safety began its office actions, they were strictly limited to what I'm going to call the worst of the worst cases. They were, by and large, people who violated our Terms of Use in such a way that they could not, for, for reasons of liability be permitted to continue on the projects. We do not need to ask to hear from such people. We do not communicate with them in the same way that we do with trusted community members. Over time, as with any process, things started to get a little less clear. People would reach out to us that were not (what I would call) bright line cases, and that is what we created our own appeals committee for. We are still trying to make sure that we do the right balance of hearing from the people who are involved, and responding to them. There are some limitations, and some of those limitations have to do with the limitations that Trust and Safety has. The Trust and Safety team has a limited toolkit. When Trust and Safety gets involved there are only a few actions that can be taken because the community has so far stated a strong preference that we not step into some of the lesser sanctions. They can warn a user, they can ban them from events, or they can ban them entirely. Because of this, we currently do not have a protocol that allows us to say, you're a great Wikimedian, but you won't stop harassing people. Therefore, we would appreciate it if you would not do activities on this project, or wherever they're having problems. Currently, we don't have that ability. So within the tools we have, we try to work with people safely to understand their side, to understand the safety of others, and to consider what the best response is to ultimately keep our people and our platform safe. It's a balance that we're still working to get right, particularly as we transition, and sometimes the line between borderline and bright line also gets a little soft where something is almost over the borderline, and then it gets tipped over by something worse.

  7. At present, the Case Review Committee cannot review some cases which are those conducted because of statutory, regulatory, employment, or legal policies as defined by Wikimedia Foundation attorneys. Does this put the Wikimedia Foundation in the power of being judge and jury? Is it possible to allow a community body, like the Case Review Committee, to review all cases?
    • 维基媒体基金会在一些人看来是一个实体,但对我不是。只因“身在此山中”。我的看法有所不同。

      For example, I know that Trust and Safety actually doesn't have the power to impose sanctions. Trust and Safety makes recommendations, they make these recommendations to lawyers who come in after the fact, read the cases and make a determination, and when the lawyers who make this determination, they make a recommendation to the executive staff. In many cases, we've recently modified some of our policies so that the brightest of bright line cases, cases that are clearly statutory like death threats or child pornography, that doesn't have to go to executive review, there's no reason for that. We are particularly interested in making sure that we hold ourselves firmly to account on cases that do impact community members, particularly long term and who may otherwise be in good standing. Is the foundation in the power of being judge and jury despite that collectively. Yes, in some cases the Foundation has a legal responsibility to uphold its terms of use and where statutory, regulatory employment or legal policies are involved, the foundation's attorneys have said that it is not possible to share all of these with the case review committee for legal and liability reasons. Again, we consulted with an external firm to help us determine how to talk about some of these cases, in a way that protects movement resources. But I will say that we have to continue to figure out the best way to allow review, and it is very possible that we may in the future, be able to create a system where there is a more routine review. We are also trying not to overwhelm community volunteers. When we created the case review committee, I was scared that they were going to be reviewing cases every 10 minutes, and we were going to be taking these volunteers out of their regular workflows. It hasn't turned out that way. So, we see that at the very least right now, they probably have a good bit more capacity than we thought they would. It is possible that someday we may have a committee advisory group, who routinely reviews and monitors everything that is not statutory, regulatory, employment or legally mandatory.

  8. 我想知道,如果基金会雇员中如果没有人会说某种非英语的语言,这种情况下你们是如何调查该语言社群的案件的?
    • 我们可以多团队协作。运动策略和治理团队有很强大的语言支持组。信任和安全团队也有相对足够强大的语言支持组。我们系统中有300多种语言,但远未到达所有语言。所以这看情况,取决于案件的复杂性。有时我们用专业翻译。有时我们找社群修复与持续发展团队之外的工作人员。我们有一份名单,列出了人们自愿使用哪种语言,有时我们可以从他们那里获得支持。有时我们请可信的社区群组帮助,她们要有保密协议,并必须能够保护所有相关人的隐私。
  9. 通用操守准则的草案指引中提出维基运动中应该成立更多的仲裁委员会。是否每个计划都需要一个仲裁委员会?
    • 嗯,好吧,我个人观点是,不用,至少不是立刻需要。任何计划所需的官僚体系程度取决于该计划所能提供的支持以及需求。

      Smaller projects may be able to handle these issues in a much more informal way or we may have some sort of general International Arbitration Committee that can stand to support groups that don't have their own. So I don't know, and I don't believe that every project needs an ArbCom but other people may feel differently. And I would perhaps say to them, maybe the question is, when do they need it? At what stage in their development?

  10. 执行的草案指引仍然有许多不明之处。社群如何看到并讨论起草委员会正在进行中的修订?
    • The modifications are ongoing, and the drafting committee will be coming together to work on their revisions, I think, within the next couple of days. And that work will be happening in public. There will be revisions happening as they go, as I understand it, and I would encourage people to keep an eye on it, stay engaged.
  11. 在对部分中文维基用户的行动和调查中,维基媒体基金会是否有能力排除那些有问题的WMC用户和中国政府有关联的可能性?
    • 不。调查的重点并不是要排除此种可能。要这么做很难。重点是他们对维基媒体计划的其他用户的行为。
  12. The Movement Charter Candidates Election have started, but with a lot of mistakes. 8 users had to revote for example. It seems that a lot of time pressure may have been the cause. Is this true? Either way, how can we avoid this in the future?
    • [Quim answers] MCDC elections were meant to start on Monday, but we hit a problem. We had to restart it on Tuesday. Before we were able to take it offline, people had voted, and we had to scratch those votes. We have contacted those to revote, 5 already did it. Could this have been prevented in the future? Technical details are available, but a combination of project management and technical skills. We use SecurePoll, which is a very fragile system. Its experts suggest the most hands-off approach possible (ie not doing changes). To avoid this was to don't start anything big on Monday that would necessitate people working on Sunday and to avoid a WMF holiday (Monday was US staff holiday). Time zone is also an issue. Other parts: we want to do our best. Even if the process is already clear since July. The AoE suggestion did not work on SecurePoll. WMF staff participation is also a factor; we did not anticipate that it pressures communities from where they came from, but this also necessitates removing them from the candidates pool. A candidate swap also happened. Combined with SecurePoll fragility, it was a ticking problem. We reacted quickly and only had to strike eight votes from the record and introduce a 24-hour delay.
  13. 中文维基百科当前的用户查核程序复杂,不利于傀儡调查。是否可以将用户查核权限返还给2018年4月被除权的用户?
    • 我同信任与安全团队沟通过此事,我的理解是,最近的方针变化之后,中文维基百科的用户查核员只要有资格签署保密协议便可以重新运作。这意味着我们必须有理由期望他们不会被轻易查出真身和被人利用。我并不了解2018年被移除权限的所有查核员,但我知道的一点是,三年已经过去,他们需要重新通过社群甄选流程,以确保社群仍对他们保有信任。这是个很重要的角色。这个角色能接触到很多数据,所以确认社群仍认为他们可堪此重任至关重要。
  14. What does Trust & Safety feel is the right approach to take when they are reviewing a complaint where a person has violated the Terms of Use but their actions were at least partly in response to situations beyond their control? For example, in one recent T&S case it’s well known that the individual caused repeated server issues trying to work outside the known technical limitations that were preventing important work being done. They had requested a solution to the technical issue before, but a solution was not produced.
    • In the example, it sounds like a legitimate frustration. Trust and Safety, as part of their practice, tries to consider the context in which everything happens. As I mentioned earlier, the work we do here is hard, and hard work sometimes causes people to react badly in a given moment. I myself have certainly done things I'm not proud of, when I'm frustrated or upset when things go wrong.

      We try to ensure that the Foundation respects that people are not always perfect and don't always make the best choices. If a person's response to frustration goes so far beyond the realm of what can be permitted on the site, we may still have to take action. So, causing widespread technical issues, server issues, maybe, depending on why and how it happened, enough of an issue that we are required to act, threatening people harming other people there are, basically, we can all react badly, but there's a question about how badly we react. Hopefully in the future... As I mentioned, I think eventually we need some systems that will allow people to learn better conflict resolution skills, and hopefully in the future as we get there we can help people learn how to deal with these frustrating situations in a way that is productive and doesn't get themselves or others into trouble.

  15. 针对保密协议方针的变动,是否有任何长期性的解决方案或提议以减轻安全威胁?
    • For context, the "NDA" (officially the confidentiality agreement for access to nonpublic information) allows people to access personally identifiable information.

      For example, CheckUsers need to sign this to see the IP addresses of users. A recent change was made to refuse NDA signatures from individuals in countries where there is a high risk of exploitation, both for the user accessing it and the users accessed, that they may be forced to disclose this information. The risk here is how we keep as open as we can while recognising that our work sometimes puts real people in real danger, and we want to know who is trying to know that. We want to have trusted people access it without putting them or others at risk. We don't have a long term plan yet, but I think we really need to focus on better digital security training for people. In my years during this work, I’ve seen some people who have become targets of bad actors in their own contexts, because they didn't fully understand how much about them was visible and discoverable and how vulnerable they were to attack. That's why we hired a human rights lead.

      Doing this work is dangerous. In some places, there's frankly no guarantee that where it is safe today will still be safe tomorrow. We really do need to think as a movement, about how to be safe in this world, and how to keep each other safe, and especially how to protect the vulnerable people who trust us, staff to not put them in danger.

  16. 近日,维基媒体基金会因中国连续第二次拒绝,未能以观察员身份加入世界知识产权组织,理由是台湾维基媒体协会存在。我的问题是:在中国不断拒绝下,维基媒体基金会如何在世界知识产权组织的批准及台湾维基媒体协会之间取得适当平衡?可能的话,维基媒体基金会会不会说服中国政府在中国大陆地区解封维基媒体的项目?
    • 我的答案可能与那些呼吁取得观察员身份的人士不同。维基媒体基金会的使命是支持社群打造线上资讯来源,将这些资讯分发给全世界。事先声明,(中国拒绝基金会加入世界知识产权组织)不是意外事故。我们来这,就是为了帮助大家。我认为跟世界知识产权组织观察员身份比起来,台湾维基媒体协会是更为优先的事务。


  17. 是否有计划改革信任与安全团队,根据社区的反馈和观点?
    • 是的,我们会根据从社群得到的反馈和建议,不断地改革信任与安全团队,改变我们的方针和做法。我喜欢告诉他人,根据我所见——因为当然如前所述,我更多会读到较为复杂的案件,一般到我手上的都是复杂的案件——没有所谓常规的信任与安全调查,所有的案件都有其特别的难点。每次我们接手到这种案子,我们都会停下来思考,我们真的做对了吗?这是最好的做法吗?利用我们现有的工具,考虑到维基媒体运动变化的形式,我们可以做什么?所以是的,我们在不断改革。
  18. 您认为IP遮蔽是否会有信任和安全影响?
    • That question starts to get technical to a level that I myself am probably not the best person to address. But I can share with you what I understand. I will have to ask somebody who understands IP masking and its implications better than I do to follow up. There are probably people attending this call who can answer this question better than I can. Yes, I think, just like I was talking earlier about the trade off, and being open to allow anyone to help govern anyone to add content with the need of understanding the risks. IP masking has pros and cons for our movement. It makes individuals safer, it makes it harder to identify vandals. It makes it more compliant with the evolving legal landscape in the world, but it makes it harder to identify vandals. My understanding is that we are supposed to be working hard to create tools that make it as easy as possible for functionaries and administrators to continue to do the work even with IP masking. So, there are Trust and Safety implications on both sides. Yes, individuals will be harder to doxx. Those of you who are editing, it should be harder for people to say where specifically in the world you are, and who specifically you are. This is good news. Bad news, it will be harder for us to control, long term and repeat vandals, and we need to figure out how to do that well.
  19. 这是不是在维基媒体运动中实施美国法律?比如,因为维基媒体基金会受美国法律约束,一些人不能被赋权。
    • 在不知道我们讨论的具体是什么行动的情况下,我会尝试回答这个问题的核心,我理解的是:我们是否在维基媒体运动中执行美国法律?



      Yeah, that is hard. I mean it's just like when we try to hire people, we try to hire people internationally through our hiring partners, and it's hard. If US law doesn't allow us to send money to somebody and in some cases even through a proxy, we haven't figured out how to solve that one yet. That's a big problem that is still in the future for us to work out. Will the Global Council play a role? I don't know, I've heard ideas maybe but I've also heard that, like I say, there are problems with giving money to a proxy organization to give money. Another big problem we have to figure out how to manage. And as somebody noted in the chat, by the way, I just want to reiterate what they said — really it doesn't matter where we're based — the law, wherever we are, is going to apply to us and we're going to have to work within the law. We may solve some problems if we were in a different locale but then we'd have other problems. It's part of the reason why our advocacy team is working so hard to make sure that the laws are favorable to our movement, it's because laws are constantly shifting and laws all over the world impact the way we can operate. Somebody else noted in the chat that the restriction is not always from the US, sometimes it's from the receiving country. That's also true.

  20. 您对改善中文维基百科上管理员和行政员投票有无建议?
    • 我的理解是,信任和安全团队有在和中文维基社区直接交流。我不知道她们谈了多少,但是之前我听到的一个建议是,使用SecurePoll。


  21. Show fragile systems like SecurePoll more love re: tech debt
    • Tech debt is outside of my area of influence. I mentioned the teams that I work with earlier, but I do know that our Product team had quite a lot on their plate getting SecurePoll ready for the Board elections. They had to defer a lot of work in order to do that. But yes, tech debt is something that I hear people talk a lot about in terms of concerns on how we catch up. I agree that's a problem, and I will carry that recommendation up and out because I care about that too.


  1. 为什么所有来自大陆维基人用户组(以下简称WMC)的管理员都被除权了?这是否意味着基金会将驱逐所有来自WMC的用户?
    • 我不清楚他们是否都被除权。我知道他们中的一部分被除权了,但是这个组织一度表明自己有数百名成员,我并没有去看成员名单。我可以说的是,基金会不反对任何用户,包括管理员,以他们认为有助益的方式组织起来,包括以通过WMC这样的实体。但我们不能接受不当行为,而对于那些被除权的管理员,有证据证明他们有系统性的不当行为。基金会当前没有针对WMC的更多调查,尽管我们收到部分被制裁用户扬言报复的举报。我们不会假定所有该组织成员都参与了不当行为;根据元维基上该组织所述的成员数,远少于一半的成员有不当行为。
  2. 您认为这些基金会行动对于其他社区是否会产生寒蝉效应,包括本来就有内部纷争的?
    • I certainly believe they can and worry they do. Whenever people don’t have full information on why something happened, they may worry whether something similar may happen to them. I wish that were not the case. However, I have to say I also know that taking no action when people appeal for assistance can also have a chilling effect on communities. Some in the Chinese community have openly called for support for years, support which the Foundation was not then in position to provide. Seeing such concerns unaddressed also doesn’t provide much sense of safety and courage. :/ I think it requires a careful balance of acting properly to the best of our abilities and continuing to work to create systems together with communities that people do believe are fair and can trust, such as those I hope to see emerge from and even after the UCoC enforcement.
  3. 基金会无法提供证据给社区可能会造成信任问题。在9月份的行动中基金会做了一些解释。以后是否有可能在影响有关人士时告知社区?能不能给可信用户组提供一些细节,比如给监督员或用户查核员?
    • 在会议通话期间,有人问我基金会是否会考虑社群反馈,改变信任与安全团队的做法。是的。有关中国问题的此次沟通即是例证。针对基金会行动进行此种程度的交流沟通,这是前所未有的,我并不奢求每个人都会对这一行动感到高兴和满意,我希望至少这会帮助一部分人。信任与安全团队实际上会向受信任的社群团体分享少量信息,特别是那些签署过保密协议的,如监管员和部分仲裁委员会。这是我们的惯例。我需要认真考虑当老用户涉及时,应当如何知会社群的问题。所有基金会封禁都会在操作之时在元维基公开。正如我之前所说的,我们不能解释为什么对于用户个体我们为何采取行动,这使得讨论仅有一人的案件十分困难……很多案例是这样的。我们甚至不能公开声明案件是否可以上诉,但是我们会通知被封禁的个人他们有哪些选择。
  4. [没有提问文字]
    • 有许多提问都是关于某一个体被封禁的原因。对此我恐怕无法回答,对此我十分抱歉。我可以说的是,有用户表示其受到的通知上说他们被封禁是因为现实中的人身伤害。这是对他们收到的通知的误解。由于我们需要在很短的时间内翻译通知,并由不会说中文的职员发送大量邮件,我们发给所有被封禁的用户的通知都有说明:“我们很抱歉由于需要翻译此通知,而涉案人员数量之众,我们无法为您提供您个人被封禁的具体原因,但是所有人被封禁的原因总结起来包括”[之后列出了还群体被封禁的四点因素]。我们并不是想说所有人都是因为全部因素被封禁的,我希望我们的翻译质量没有导致更多的疑惑。我们最近为社群修复与持续发展团队招募了一位协助人员,其母语为中文普通话,但是我们最初发至Wikimedia-L的通知据我所知并不是出自一名中国大陆母语使用者。我不知道发给用户的通知是否也存在同样的问题。
  5. 在用户页贴指向WMC的链接是否违反使用条款或其他规定?
    • 在基金会行动之后的短时间内,我收到了很多的问题。这是其中之一,尽管它是一连串问题中的一个,我当时的回答不够简洁。为了方便起见,请看Talk:Office actions/September 2021 statement。基金会没有以该组织作为行动对象,根据我们现有的信息,我们认为这个问题应该交由中文社群决定这个组织是否是功大于过。在使用条款中并没有特定规则禁止张贴任何WMC页面的链接,尽管如果是代被封禁用户做编辑,可以被视作是“代理编辑”。基于此种理由,我会请各位思考一下他们链接到的是什么页面,意欲何为。我个人希望该组织能够休养生息,继续前行,浴火重生,或者如果社群认为有益的情况下,以新的形式改组,以继续在中国大陆发展维基媒体,而不必受之前一部分成员拉票和敌视他人问题的桎梏。
  6. 你能否解释为什么对混淆IP地址感兴趣了?尽管维基媒体基金会发了一些通知,我看到用户们仍很困惑。[IP遮蔽计划的原因是什么?]
    • 这个问题我得看着律师声明回答。我的团队帮助探索变化后如何满足职能机关运作,但是并不指引政策执行。我的理解是,不断变化的法律法规和该信息被滥用后对用户的风险是两个要点。
  7. 如果这份协定(和中国政府的)带有“附加条款”会如何?
    • 既然这个提问没有提供上下文(因为是在会议之后),我猜测这个问题是指中国政府允许在其境内访问维基百科。诚心而言,我个人乐见其成,因为我认为所有人都理应有权访问免费的知识,维基媒体存在的目的就是将优质、免费的知识提供给所有人,无论地点。我不是那种会说“附加条件?想都不要想!”的人。相反,我会问“我们在谈各种附加条件?”比如,在美国我们不能展示非自由版权的媒体内容,除非本地计划有豁免方针,并为内容如何符合规定提供解释。这是我们接受的附加条件。我们还接受生者相关内容必须有可靠来源。在我说“绝不”之前,我要先问问“什么”。在多数情形下,我觉得需要国际社群来抉择。如果这种附加条件并不像是我们必须遵守的(比如美国版权法),那么它是不是我们可以接受的附加条件?