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This is an archived version of this page, as edited by Reke (talk | contribs) at 03:45, 10 November 2021 (Created page with "工作流程主席"). It may differ significantly from the current version.

维基媒体研究与技术补助有两个子项目:“维基媒体研究补助”和“维基媒体技术补助”。作为新补助政策分阶实施的一部分,维基媒体研究与技术补助将在2022年1月3日前接受研究补助的申请;而技术补助将稍后于2022年启动,届时我们将会提供更多细节。在此期间有任何个别疑问,请随时至讨论页 或 research_fund(_AT_)wikimedia.org 洽询。





我们欢迎提出研究企画的深入描述,以提升和扩大我们对维基媒体计划及其影响的了解、引入可以强化维基媒体计画支援的技术或社会技术解决方案,并推动维基媒体运动朝著2030策略目标前进。 对于非研究相关的工作,请参考其他资金来源,包括 维基媒体社群补助维基媒体联盟补助


  • 个人、团体和组织均可申请。
  • 申请金额最低2,000美元,上限50,000美元。
  • 补助期限最长为12个月。
  • 受补助人必须同意缴交报告、签署差旅补助协议,并提供维基媒体基金会处理补助的必要资讯。
  • 我们希望所有研究补助的被补助人都遵守友善空间政策维基媒体通用行为准则
  • 申请和报告可接受英语或西班牙语。
  • 有意申请者如具有下列任一情事,不应提出申请:
    • 申请人中有一人以上,在过去24个月中曾是维基媒体基金会的雇员或承包商。
    • 申请人中有一人以上,与一名或多名研究补助委员会主席或维基媒体研究团队成员有指导/被指导关系;
    • 申请人中有一人以上,在过去24个月中是维基媒体基金会研究团队的现任前任正式合作者。
    • 申请人中有一人以上,在过去24个月中曾与委员会主席共同撰写科学出版品。







All proposals will be publicly available to allow community members and Regional Fund Committees to provide feedback. The Research Fund Committee and reviewers will evaluate all proposals, taking into account this community input, and invite top applicants to submit full proposals to the next stage.


We will invite top applicants to submit a full budget and proposal, including responses to the reviewers’, community members’, and Regional Funds Committees’ comments. Invited applicants will receive detailed instructions for how to prepare and submit their proposals.

Review process

We will use a single-blind review process in which the identities of the applicants are known, but the Research Fund Committee reviewers are anonymous. Research Fund Committee members will self-declare their expertise for each proposal and disclose any potential conflicts of interest to Committee chairs. Each proposal will receive at least three reviews and can receive input from one or more of the seven Wikimedia Regional Funds Committees when requested. Each proposal can also receive input from the Wikimedia volunteer communities through a structured feedback process on Meta-Wiki. Each submission will receive a composite score and comprehensive reviews from the Committee chairs. The proposals will be discussed among the reviewers and the Committee chairs, considering the Regional Funds Committees’ and volunteer communities’ input. The final decision will be made by the Research Committee chairs.

Selection criteria

We will assess submissions based on the following criteria:

  • Relevance. The research must be on or about Wikimedia projects or of significant importance to the Wikimedia projects.
  • Impact. We aim to prioritize proposals that aim to enable the Wikimedia communities in making decisions or taking actions of significant impact as a result of the research conducted. We will give special consideration to proposals that directly address the Wikimedia 2030 Strategic Direction (including but not limited to the Movement Recommendations) as well as proposals that attempt to answer research questions in less commonly studied languages of Wikipedia.
  • Geography of the applicants and their corresponding institutions. Because we aim to increase the geographical diversity of researchers who contribute to the Wikimedia projects, we encourage submissions from Central and South America, Africa, Eastern Europe and Asia and will give these applications special consideration.
  • Community. We aim to fund work that helps the Wikimedia communities take the next step. We will prioritize proposals that support or work with Wikimedia user groups, affiliates, and developer communities. We encourage applicants to include one or more members of these communities in your team and consult Community Wishlists from 2019, 2020, and 2021 for ideas of problems raised by these groups.  
  • Prior contributions to related academic and/or research projects and/or the Wikimedia and free culture communities. We will review self-reported contributions by the applicants to gain a deeper understanding of applicants’ interests, skills and abilities.


Requests can be up to USD 50,000 and we intend to give a minimum of six grants during this funding cycle. Detailed budgets are not required as part of initial submissions but we request rough estimates in the following categories (if applicable) along with a brief explanation:

  • 工资或津贴
  • 效益
  • 硬体设备
  • 软体
  • 开放近用出版费用
  • 机构管理费(最高占总预算15%)
  • 其他(如说明)

Final grant amounts are up to the discretion of the Research Fund Committee, who may reach out to finalists to ask for a reduced budget and a proportionally reduced scope of work. Funds will be disbursed in one payment at the beginning of the funding period (June 2022).


All proposals should follow principles of ethical research and rules and guidelines related to human subjects research. We encourage authors to read the Menlo Report for further information on ethical principles, the Allman/Paxson IMC ‘07 paper for guidance on ethical data sharing, and the Sandvig et al. ‘14 paper on the ethics of algorithm audits. Finalists  must address possible ethical challenges and how they will address them in their proposal. Institutional Review Board review (if applicable) needs to be completed before funds are distributed.


To make the results of your research actionable and reusable by the Wikimedia volunteer communities, affiliates and Foundation, you must ensure that any output of your research complies with the WMF Open Access Policy. You’re encouraged to include open access publication costs as part of your budget.

Grantees are expected to create project pages on MetaWiki:Research documenting the progress of their work once a month. In addition, they are expected to complete final financial and project reports using provided templates, and present at a future Wikimedia Research event as well as at least at one event within their research community.


  1. Open call for applications, with office hours for interested applicants
  2. Review of Stage I proposals, including eligibility check, technical review, community review, and regional fund Committee review
  3. Invitation to finalists to submit to Stage II
  4. Technical review of Stage II proposals
  5. Final decision


Prospective applicants can also attend the regular monthly office hours held by the Research Team on December 7, 2021 at 23:00 UTC.

Important Dates

  • 3 January 2022 — Stage I application submission deadline.
  • 4 April 2022 — Stage I selection result notifications.
  • 2 May 2022 — Stage II application submission deadline.
  • 23 May 2022 — Stage II selection result notifications.


请将问题直接发送至 research_fund(_AT_)wikimedia.org 。



  • Benjamin Mako Hill (华盛顿大学)
  • Leila Zia (维基媒体基金会)


  • Emily Lescak (Wikimedia Foundation)


Will early career researchers or those new to Wikimedia research be supported?

Yes! Applicants will be evaluated based on their previous contributions to the Wikimedia and / or free culture communities. However, if applicants are new to these spaces, then they will be evaluated based on their potential contributions.

What is the role of the Regional Fund Committees in decision making?

Regional Funds Committee members will be invited to provide feedback on the short list of top-ranked proposals that are selected by the reviewers and Research Fund Committee co-chairs to advance to stage II. We particularly welcome their perspectives on the potential for the proposed work to impact their communities.

When will the Wikimedia Technology Fund be launched?

We are hoping to announce more details about the Technology Fund by June 2022.

What is the composition of the Research Fund committee and how were they chosen?

The Research Fund committee consists of two committee co-chairs who are in charge of developing the evaluation and review process as well as recruiting the reviewers. For this cycle of funds, the committee chairs are Leila Zia (Head of Research, Wikimedia Foundation) and Benjamin Mako Hill (Assistant Professor, University of Washington). Leila Zia is invited by the Community Resources team and Benjamin Mako Hill is invited by Leila.