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This is an archived version of this page, as edited by Yurik (talk | contribs) at 17:58, 13 September 2006 (minor formatted). It may differ significantly from the current version.

Attention visitors

This page discusses the future API for MediaWiki software.

MediaWiki at present has three interfaces:

  • Query API for retrieving any information in xml/json/php formats.
  • Special:Export feature (bulk export of xml formatted data)
  • Regular Web-based interface

Implementation Strategy

File/Module Structure

  • api.php is the entry point, located at the root of the mediawiki
  • includes/api will contain all files related to the api, but none of them will be allowed as entry points
    • files related to formatting the output will be in the form Output*.php,

Internal Data Structures

  • Query API has had very successful structure of one global nested array() structure passed around. Various modules would add pieces of data to many different points of that array, until, finally, it would get rendered for the client by one of the printers (output modules). For the API, I suggest wrapping this array as a class with helper functions to append individual leaf nodes.

Error/Status Reporting

For now we decided to include error information inside the same structured output as normal result (option #2).

For the result, we may either use the standard HTTP error codes, or always return a properly formatted data:

Using HTTP code
void header( string reason_phrase [, bool replace [, int http_response_code]] )

The header() can be used to set the return status of the operation. We can define all possible values of the reason_phrase, so for the failed login we may return code=403 and phrase="BadPassword", whereas for any success we would simply return the response without altering the header.

Pros: Its a standard. The client always has to deal with http errors, so using http code for result would remove any separate error handling the client would have to perform. Since the client may request data in multiple formats, an invalid format parameter would still be properly handled, as it will simply be another http error code.

Cons: ...

Include error information inside a proper response

This method would always return a properly formatted response object, but the error status / description will be the only values inside that object. This is similar to the way current Query API returns status codes.

Pros: HTTP error codes are used only for the networking issues, not for the data (logical errors). We do not tied to the existing HTTP error codes.

Cons: If the data format parameter is not properly specified, what is the format of the output data? Application has to parse the object to know of an error (perf?). Error checking code will have to be on both the connection and data parsing levels.

Sample Requests


  api.php ? action=login & name=Yurik & password=12345 [& domain=wikipedia.org]
      result: 'Success'        Other values: 'NoName', 'Illegal', 'WrongPluginPass',
                                              'NotExists', 'WrongPass', 'EmptyPass'
      token: 1234567890ABCDEF  Also returned as a cookie (i.e. enwikiToken)
      userName: Yurik          Also returned as a cookie (i.e. enwikiUserName)
      userID: 12345            Also returned as a cookie (i.e. enwikiUserID)



Title Normalization
Converts improper page titles to their proper form. Capitalizes first character, replaces '_' with ' ', changes canonical namespace names to their localized alternatives, etc.
Request: Note: articleA's first letter is not capitalized
  api.php ? action=query & titles=Project:articleA|ArticleB
        'Wikipedia:ArticleA':                       Project: is converted to Wikipedia: when running on en-wiki.
          'ns': 4                                   Show title's namespace except when ns=0
        'ArticleB': None
      'badtitles':                                  This element needs a better name
        'Project:articleA': 'Wikipedia:ArticleA'
Handling Redirects
Redirects can resolved by the server, so that the target of redirect is returned instead of the given title. This example is not very usefull without additional what=... element, but shows the usage of redirect function. The 'redirects' section will contain the target of redirect and non-zero namespace code. Both normalization and redirection may take place. In case of redirect to a redirect, all redirections will be solved, and in case of a circular redirection, there might not be a page in the 'pages' section.
  api.php ? action=query & titles=Main page & redirects
        'Main Page': None
        'Main page': 'Main Page'

Page Information

Page information items are used to get various data about a list of pages provided with the titles= parameter. Content, links, interwiki links, and other information may be obtained.

categories (cl)
Gets a list of all templates used on the provided pages. Limit: 200/1000.
Parameters: extrainfo (adds sortkey & timestamp).
content (??)
Returns wiki markup for the given list of articles. Requesting content is just a shorthand for the last revision request with content, so it would be equivalent to what=revisions & rvprop=content without any other rv* parameters. Limit: No more than 50 (user) / 200 (bot) page contents per request.
  api.php ? action=query & what=content & titles=ArticleA|ArticleB
          'id': 12345
          'lastrev': 67890
              'content': '...raw page content...'
          'id': 0                           ID=0 when title does not exist
langlinks (ll)
Gets a list of all language links (interwikies) from the provided pages to other languages. Limit: 200/1000.
links (pl)
Gets a list of all links from the provided pages. Limit: 200/1000.
Parameters: namespace (flt).
templates (tl)
Gets a list of all templates used on the provided pages. Limit: 200/1000.


Returns revisions for a given article based on the selection criteria. Revisions may be used with multiple titles only when working with the latest revision. When using rvlimit, rvdir=newer, rvstart, or rvend parameters, titles= must have only one title listed. By default, revisions shows only the id of the last revision.
  api.php ? action=query & what=revisions & titles=ArticleA & rvprop=timestamp|user|comment|content
          'id': 12345
          'lastrev': 67890
              'timestamp': '20060908025739'
              'user': 'UserX'
              'comment': '...change comment...'
              'content': '...raw revision content...'
Additional 'revisions' samples
Get the timestamps of up to 10 revisions, begining at 2006-09-01 and moving forward in time.
  api.php ? action=query & what=revisions & titles=ArticleA & rvprop=timestamp & rvlimit=10 & rvdir=newer & rvstart=20060901000000
Get the timestamps of all revisions for the entire month of September 2006. rvlimit is optional. If the number of revisions exceeds the limit, the 'revisions' element will contain 'continue':'rvstart=20060920122343' with the timestamp to continue from.
  api.php ? action=query & what=revisions & titles=ArticleA & rvprop=timestamp & rvstart=20060901000000 & rvend=20061001000000
Get the timestamps of up to 10 revisions, begining at 12345 and moving back in time. If more than 10 revisions are available, 'revisions' element will contain 'continue':'revids=23512' , where revid is the next revision id in order.
  api.php ? action=query & what=revisions & revids=12345 & rvprop=timestamp & rvlimit=10 & rvdir=older
Get the timestamps of all revisions between two given revision IDs. rvlimit is optional. If the number of revisions exceeds the limit, the 'revisions' element will contain 'continue':'rvstartid=23512' with the revid to continue from. Both rvstartid & rvendid must belong to the same title. The titles= parameter is not required, but if given, it must be set to the same title as revision IDs.
  api.php ? action=query & what=revisions & rvprop=timestamp & rvstartid=12345 & rvendid=67890


Lists differ from other properties in one important aspect - their output is limited by number of items, and may be continued using "paging" technique. Even when no limit is provided, the query will only return a set number of items, and will also provide a string from which to continue paging. See All Pages list for an example.

allpages (ap)
Returns a list of pages in a given namespace starting at from, ordered by page title.
Parameters: from (paging), namespace (dflt=0), redirect (flt), limit (dflt=10, max=500/5000)
Example: Request a list of 3 pages from namespace 10 (templates) begining at the letter A.
  api.php ? action=query & list=allpages & apnamespace=10 & aplimit=3 & apfrom=A
          'id': 12341
          'ns': 10
          'id': 12342
          'ns': 10
          'id': 12343
          'ns': 10
        'continue': 'apfrom=D-Article'    The next item in this list would have been Template:D-Article.
The client may now make another request using the continue value as a parameter:
  api.php ? action=query & list=allpages & apnamespace=10 & aplimit=3 & apfrom=D-Article
backlinks (bl)
Lists pages that link to the given page. Ordered by linking page title.
Parameters: title, from (paging), namespace (flt), redirect (flt), limit (dflt=10, max=500/5000)
  api.php ? action=query & list=backlinks & blnamespace=10 & blfrom=A & bltitle=ArticleA
categorymembers (cm)
List of pages that belong to a given category, ordered by page title.
Parameters: title, from (paging), namespace (flt), limit (dflt=10, max=500/5000)
embeddedin (ei)
What pages include title page as a template. List of pages that include the given page using {{title}}. Ordered by including page title.
Parameters: title, from (paging), namespace (flt), redirect (flt), limit (dflt=10, max=500/5000)
  api.php ? action=query & list=embeddedin & einamespace=10
imagelinks (il)
List of pages that include a given image. Ordered by page title.
Parameters: image title, from (paging), namespace (flt), limit (dflt=10, max=500/5000)
logevents (le)
List log events, filtered by time range, event type, user type, or the page it applies to. Ordered by event timestamp.
Parameters: type (flt), from (paging timestamp), to (flt), direction (dflt=older), limit (dflt=10, max=500/5000), user (flt), title (flt)
recentchanges (rc)
Gets a list of pages recently changed, ordered by modification timestamp.
Parameters: from (paging timestamp), to (flt), namespace (flt), minor (flt), usertype (dflt=!bot), direction (dflt=older), limit (dflt=10, max=500/5000)
usercontribs (uc)
Gets a list of pages modified by a given user, ordered by modification time.
Parameters: user, from (paging timestamp), to (flt), namespace (flt), minor (flt), top (flt), direction (dflt=older), limit (dflt=10, max=500/5000)
users (us)
Gets a list of registered users, ordered by user name.
Parameters: from (paging), limit (dflt=10, max=500/5000)
watchlist (wl)
Get a list of pages on the user's watchlist but only if they were changed within the given time period. Ordered by time of the last change of the watched page.
Parameters: from (paging timestamp), to (flt), namespace (flt), direction (dflt=older), limit (dflt=10, max=500/5000)


Generator is way to use one of the #lists instead of the titles= parameter. The output of the list must be a list of pages, whose titles get automatically appended to the titles= parameter separated by the pipe '|' symbol. Other queries such as content, revisions, etc, will treat those pages as if they were provided by the user in the titles= parameter. Only one generator is allowed, and while it is possible to have both generator= and list= parameters in the same call, they may not contain the same values.

Example: Use the allpages list as a generator, to get the links and categories for all titles returned by allpages.
  api.php ? action=query & generator=allpages & apnamespace=3 & aplimit=10 & apfrom=A & what=links|categories
          'id': 12341
          'ns': 10
            'Linked Article1': None       Linked Article1 is in the main namespace
            'Talk:Linked Article2':       For non-main ns, list it as a subelement
              'ns': 1
            'Category:Cat1': None
            'Category:Cat2': None
        'continue': 'apfrom=D-Article'    The next item in this list would have been Template:D-Article.


  api.php ? action=save & title=Project:articleA & edittoken=abc123 & summary=...lalala... & content=...wikitext...
      'status': 'Success'             Other values: 'Prohibited', 'Conflict', 'DbLcoked', 'BadToken''
      'title': 'Wikipedia:ArticleA'   Always returns normalized title
      'ns': 4                         Show title's namespace except when ns=0
      'revid': 67891                  On success, the new latest revision id

Wikimania 2006 API discussion

The whiteboard these notes were taken from

A simple-as-possible API was quickly designed at the Wikimania Hacking Days on 4 August 2006. This minimal API only supports the most essential functions, with the goal of allowing a quick implementation, with other functionality (moving pages, uploading images, etc.) to be specified once a basic API has been implemented.


This function logs the user into mediawiki using a username and password. Other authentication methods could possibly be added in the future.

username, password, (API key)
API key is not needed but should be introduced now, as it would make it very difficult to get it in later. --Yurik 14:52, 6 August 2006 (UTC)[reply]
success, authentication failure, or temporary failure
We can use standard HTTP error codes (500-something is a security error, 200ish - accept, need to lookup the exact codes). --Yurik 14:52, 6 August 2006 (UTC)[reply]

Retrieving Data

Please note that a much more extensive interface - Query API is already available for all media wiki servers. It allows developers to minimize the server load and bandwidth consumption by returning only the data specifically requested. By total coincidence the usage is similar to what Yahoo just released at python dev center.

read revision

This function requests the full text of a single article revision, either by article title/page ID, in which case the most recent revision is fetched, or by revision ID. The return value is xml which includes the name of the page, the name of the most recent editor, a revision ID and timestamp, the full wikitext of the revision, and a flag if the article is a redirect, including the name of the page to which it redirects.

article title or page ID, or revision ID
A format mostly identical to the current special:export, but also including some metadata about whether the page is a redirect, and the page to redirect to, so that the client does not need to parse the wikitext

Each property requested in the what=... incures additional performance penalty, some more than others.

in article title, with redirect info


in article ID, with redirect info


in revision ID, with redirect info


in article title


in article ID


in revision ID


read history

This function requests the edit history of an article, referenced either by title, or by page ID. The range start parameter determines the first edit returned, referenced by revision ID or ISO date. The limit parameter determines how many pages before or since that edit should be in the list, up to 5000 revisions, or some other maximum to be determined.

article title or page ID, range start, +- limit
range start can be ISO date or revision ID.
if negative range start, fetch last limit revisions bounded by some maximum of revisions: currently 5000
always return up to 5000 revisions
export xml metadata (see readrevision)

return 10 revisions standard, more revisions will be returned when the rvlimit=? parameter is added

in article title


in page ID


Submitting Data

This function attempts to save an article to the mediawiki server. The revision ID of the revision the edit is based on is provided so that in the case of an edit conflict, the function will fail. If another edit has been made to the page since the page was loaded, but a simple merge is possible, then the function will succeed.

last revision ID or 0 (if the page is new), page text, page title, edit comment, minor edit flag, edit token
success(version ID), edit conflict fail, permission failure, temp failure


Date format:

UTC only, ISO 8601
Date = 0 means the current revision

Simple merges on write:

Because simple merges will be undertaken automatically by mediawiki, it is impossible to assume that when the write article function succeeds, the submitted text is authoritative. If further edits will be made, a new copy of the most recent revision should be fetched from the server.

