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User talk:Toby Bartels

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This is an archived version of this page, as edited by (talk) at 20:08, 26 February 2003 (don't encourage Sanger, please). It may differ significantly from the current version.
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Do you really want to encourage Sanger by accomodating him? Have you actually *read* his various exchanges with The Cunctator, 24, etc., etc., etc., etc.? It is pretty clear that when he was actively involved he was pushing an agenda of his own, and anyone that pointed this out got effectively slandered and censored to a degree I don't think we want happening around here any more. And this agenda extends into his articles - his ethics article for instance had one link to an actual ethical theory, that being an obscure Jewish one, and it appears that he resisted many attempts to edit it or other of his articles. He also insists that he knows people's identity based on some evidence he doesn't reveal (a kind of Bush Leagues ethics I guess) and engages in forms of "outing" that can endager the project. What if these people that he names show up with lawsuits in hand, claiming Larry's unwise statements as evidence that their work was plagiarized, and suing the project out of existence? There are good reasons not to "out" any people who have made substantial anonymous contributions - even if you hate them - to further some damn personal agenda or bias. Larry is a troll of the worst order, and the project is better off without him.