Wikimédia Alapítvány választások/2022/Közösségi szavazás/Választási Iránytű/Válaszok

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This is an archived version of this page, as edited by Lois131 (talk | contribs) at 13:47, 30 August 2022 (105). It may differ significantly from the current version.
Számonkénti kimutatás Jelölt A jelölt álláspontja Indoklás/Magyarázat
#1: A Wikimédia Alapítványnak minden tevékenységét teljes átláthatóság mellett kell végeznie (kivéve, ha ez jogi/magánéletvédelmi/biztonsági problémákat okozna) Michał Buczyński Támogatom Az átláthatóság fontos érték a mozgalmunkban, és a WMF-nek minden bizonnyal nyitottabbnak kellene lennie a terveit, költségvetését, tevékenységeit, SMART céljait és azok megvalósítását, valamint a fontosabb döntéseket illetően. Az átláthatóságnak azonban ára van. A jelentések megírása, a betekintés terjesztése, az egyértelműség és a jogbiztonság biztosítása a munkatársak és az önkéntesek idejét veszi igénybe. Tapasztalatomból tudom, hogy egyensúlyra van szükség, különben az "abszolút átláthatóság" egy olyan szervezetet jelentene, mely a cselekvés helyett a magáról való tájékoztatásra összpontosít.
#1: A Wikimédia Alapítványnak minden tevékenységét teljes átláthatóság mellett kell végeznie (kivéve, ha ez jogi/magánéletvédelmi/biztonsági problémákat okozna) Shani Evenstein Sigalov Határozott támogatás Támogatom az átláthatóságot, ha ez lehetséges. Fontos hangsúlyozni, hogy mint a szülői körben, vannak olyan biztonsági, védelmi vagy jogi kérdések, ahol az átláthatóság nem lehetséges.
#1: A Wikimédia Alapítványnak minden tevékenységét teljes átláthatóság mellett kell végeznie (kivéve, ha ez jogi/magánéletvédelmi/biztonsági problémákat okozna) Tobechukwu Precious Friday Támogatás Úgy vélem, hogy a Wikimédia Alapítvány átláthatóan végzi ezt a tevékenységet, és én feltétlenül bátorítom ezt, kivéve ott, ahol ez biztonsági problémákat okozna.
#1: A Wikimédia Alapítványnak minden tevékenységét teljes átláthatóság mellett kell végeznie (kivéve, ha ez jogi/magánéletvédelmi/biztonsági problémákat okozna) Kunal Mehta Támogatás A WMF-nek alapértelmezés szerint átláthatósággal kell működnie. Mint megjegyezte, nem lehet minden nyilvános, de amennyire csak lehetséges, annak kell lennie. Ez számomra fontos kérdés, és ez az, amiért rendszeresen kiálltam, amíg a WMF munkatársa voltam (pl. wiki oldalak, nem Google Docs, IRC, nem Slack). Ha van időd, javaslom, hogy nézd meg a HOPE konferencián tartott előadásomat arról, hogy a Wikimédia az átláthatóság miatt virágzik.
#1: A Wikimédia Alapítványnak minden tevékenységét teljes átláthatóság mellett kell végeznie (kivéve, ha ez jogi/magánéletvédelmi/biztonsági problémákat okozna) Farah Jack Mustaklem Határozott támogatás A nyílt tudás támogatójaként a Wikimédia Alapítványnak csakis a nyitottság és az átláthatóság előmozdításán van értelme, valamint azon esetek kivételével, melyek jogi/magánéletvédelmi/biztonsági problémákat okozhatnak, példamutatóan kell eljárnia és tevékenységét átláthatóan kell végeznie.
#1: A Wikimédia Alapítványnak minden tevékenységét teljes átláthatóság mellett kell végeznie (kivéve, ha ez jogi/magánéletvédelmi/biztonsági problémákat okozna) Mike Peel Határozott támogatás A Wikimédia mozgalom alapértelmezés szerint átláthatóan működik, és ezt a WMF-től is el kellene várnunk. Az átláthatóság számos előnnyel jár a közösséggel való kapcsolatfelvétel és a megközelítések kettős ellenőrzése szempontjából. Ez analóg a nyílt forráskódú szoftverek használatával, mely lehetővé teszi, hogy bárki segítsen a kód felülvizsgálatában és fejlesztésében.
#2: A Wikimédia Alapítványnak több technikai támogatást kellene nyújtania a közösség igényeinek kielégítésére Michał Buczyński Határozott támogatás A kérdés hátterében a Community Tech csapat által működtetett közösségi kívánságlista állt. Ez egy jól bevált program a közösségek által kiemelt kisebb problémák megoldására. Sikerei ellenére a program számos késedelemmel és az egy év alatt megoldható problémák korlátaival szembesült. Mivel az olyan kezdeményezések, mint a kívánságlista, jobb eszközökkel ruházzák fel az önkénteseket, megkönnyítve és hatékonyabbá téve munkájukat, és az igények továbbra is nagyok, a finanszírozás növelése kulcsfontosságú.
#2: A Wikimédia Alapítványnak több technikai támogatást kellene nyújtania a közösség igényeinek kielégítésére Shani Evenstein Sigalov Támogatás Én valójában nagyon támogató vagyok, de csökkentettem a támogatást, csak azért, mert tisztában vagyok vele, hogy nem tehetünk meg mindent, amit esetleg szeretnénk. Lásd a videókat, ahol ezt részletesebben kifejtem.
#2: A Wikimédia Alapítványnak több technikai támogatást kellene nyújtania a közösség igényeinek kielégítésére Tobechukwu Precious Friday Határozott támogatás Támogatom ezt, de ahelyett, hogy a Wikimédia Alapítvány maga hozná létre vagy fejlesztené az eszközöket feltételezések alapján, azt javasolnám és bátorítanám, hogy a közösség vegyen részt az eszközök fejlesztésében, mivel ők tudják, hogy milyen eszközök fontosak számukra. Továbbá, bármilyen eszközt is kívánnak fejleszteni, annak DEI-központúnak kell lennie.
#2: A Wikimédia Alapítványnak több technikai támogatást kellene nyújtania a közösség igényeinek kielégítésére Kunal Mehta Határozott támogatás Konkrétan a "több" azt jelenti, hogy a közösség által vezetett, alulról felfelé irányuló prioritásrendszert kell alkalmazni a technikai erőforrások elkülönítésére, nem pedig feltétlenül a létszám növelésére. Egyetlen közösségi technikai csapat nem fenntartható. Alapvetően MINDEN WMF technikai csapatnak a közösség igényeinek szolgálatában kell állnia, nem csak egynek.
#2: A Wikimédia Alapítványnak több technikai támogatást kellene nyújtania a közösség igényeinek kielégítésére Farah Jack Mustaklem Támogatás A Wikimédia Alapítvány biztosítja az infrastruktúrát, melyen a Wikimédia-projektek futnak, valamint támogatást nyújt a meglévő termékekhez és új termékeket fejleszt a közösség számára. Az a mód, ahogyan a WMF a technikai támogatással kapcsolatos kérdéseket rangsorolja, nem mindig felel meg a közösség elvárásainak, és ezen változtatni kell.
#2: A Wikimédia Alapítványnak több technikai támogatást kellene nyújtania a közösség igényeinek kielégítésére Mike Peel Határozott támogatás A közösség technikai támogatása már nagyon régóta minimális. A közösségi kívánságlista-folyamat segít, de a beérkező kéréseknek csak kis részét tudják kezelni, és jelentősen nagyobb kapacitásra van szükségük ahhoz, hogy több kérést tudjanak kezelni.
#3: Kellemetlen számomra, ahogy a WMF egyre inkább egyoldalú hatáskörrel ruházza fel magát a Wikimédia-projektekkel kapcsolatos döntések meghozatalában, melyek hatással vannak a közösségre. Michał Buczyński Semleges A kérdés személyes, és az én közösségeimben nincs látható előrelépés a WMF-nek az irányítás átvételében a csendes, majd a felügyeleti szerep hivatalos bevezetése és a bizalmatlanság hatékony hangja a rendszeres adminisztrátorok felé. Az UCoC-ot megfelelően megvitatták. Azonban továbbra is aggódom, mivel egyes gondolkodásmódok a meglévő önkéntesekre és függetlenségükre való összpontosítás hiányát mutatják, és a megosztott vezetésünket ritkán tekintik értéknek.
#3: Kellemetlen számomra, ahogy a WMF egyre inkább egyoldalú hatáskörrel ruházza fel magát a Wikimédia-projektekkel kapcsolatos döntések meghozatalában, melyek hatással vannak a közösségre. Shani Evenstein Sigalov Semleges Bár a múltban ez lehetett a helyzet, nem hiszem, hogy a WMF már így működik. A szervezet most a közösség szolgálatára orientálódott. A fő probléma itt a szerepek és felelősségek nem egyértelmű meghatározása. Remélem, hogy a Mozgalmi Charta és a jövőbeli Globális Tanács segíteni fog ennek javításában, valamint a WMF jelenlegi munkájában, hogy egyértelműbbé tegye a hatáskörét.
#3: Kellemetlen számomra, ahogy a WMF egyre inkább egyoldalú hatáskörrel ruházza fel magát a Wikimédia-projektekkel kapcsolatos döntések meghozatalában, melyek hatással vannak a közösségre. Tobechukwu Precious Friday Határozott támogatás Nem támogatom, hogy a WMF egyoldalú hatáskörrel ruházza fel magát a közösséget érintő projektekkel kapcsolatos döntések meghozatalában. Mindig is a demokrácia híve voltam, és mivel a Wikimédia Mozgalom gyakorlati példája a demokráciának, ösztönöznie kell a méltányosságot a döntéshozatalban. Nem egyoldalú, hanem demokratikus rendszert működtetünk, és közösen hozhatunk olyan döntéseket, melyekkel mindenki nyerhet.
#3: Kellemetlen számomra, ahogy a WMF egyre inkább egyoldalú hatáskörrel ruházza fel magát a Wikimédia-projektekkel kapcsolatos döntések meghozatalában, melyek hatással vannak a közösségre. Kunal Mehta Támogatás Remélem, hogy egy reprezentatív Globális Tanács hivatalosan is át tudja venni ezt a döntéshozatali felelősséget, miközben tiszteletben tartja a wiki önkormányzatiságát.
#3: Kellemetlen számomra, ahogy a WMF egyre inkább egyoldalú hatáskörrel ruházza fel magát a Wikimédia-projektekkel kapcsolatos döntések meghozatalában, melyek hatással vannak a közösségre. Farah Jack Mustaklem Támogatás A WMF döntéshozatalának átláthatónak kell lennie, és figyelembe kell vennie a döntések által érintett közösségek hozzájárulását.
#3: Kellemetlen számomra, ahogy a WMF egyre inkább egyoldalú hatáskörrel ruházza fel magát a Wikimédia-projektekkel kapcsolatos döntések meghozatalában, melyek hatással vannak a közösségre. Mike Peel Támogatás Tudom, hogy ez a múltban többször is megtörtént. Nem vagyok meggyőződve arról, hogy ez egyre inkább növekszik, azonban általában véve kényelmetlenül érzem magam bármilyen egyoldalú döntéssel kapcsolatban. A Wikimédia egyetértés alapján működik, nem tekintélyelvűség alapján.
#4: A WMF-nek folyamatosan arra kell törekednie, hogy feladatkörét inkább csökkentse, mintsem bővítse, a lehető legtöbbet bízva a közösség önszerveződő kapacitására Michał Buczyński Támogatás A Mozgalmi Chartánk még nincs megírva, de stratégiánk a decentralizációt és a szubszidiaritást feltételezi. Ez számomra nagyobb számú erős szervezetet jelent, valamint a cselekvések és erőforrások delegálását, és teret hagy a közösségi vezetésnek. Ez nagyobb stabilitást és teret adna a kísérletezésnek, esetleg nagyobb méltányosságot és az önkéntesség szellemének fenntartását is lehetővé tenné.
#4: A WMF-nek folyamatosan arra kell törekednie, hogy feladatkörét inkább csökkentse, mintsem bővítse, a lehető legtöbbet bízva a közösség önszerveződő kapacitására Shani Evenstein Sigalov Semleges Az első résszel (a hatáskör csökkentése, a szerepek és felelősségi körök tisztázása) egyetértek, de a második résszel nem értek egyet (az önkéntesek közössége képes a többit megoldani). Úgy vélem, hogy hivatalos struktúrákra van szükség, például meglévő/jövőbeni társszervezetekre, beleértve a központokat / Globális Tanácsot, hogy elvégezzék a WMF által el nem végzett munkát. Nem lehet mindent önkéntesek által végezni, ha elszámoltathatóságot és méltányosságot akarunk.
#4: A WMF-nek folyamatosan arra kell törekednie, hogy feladatkörét inkább csökkentse, mintsem bővítse, a lehető legtöbbet bízva a közösség önszerveződő kapacitására Tobechukwu Precious Friday Semleges

I'm neutral about this. In as much as I do not encourage the WMF to keep expanding it's responsibilities but rather focus on the ones already being handled, I do not encourage too much responsibilities being left on the Communities as well; because just as the question says, it's volunteer capacity and I wouldn't want Communities to be over burdened.

#4: The WMF should continually seek to reduce, rather than expand, its scope of responsibilities, leaving as much as possible to the community's self-organized capacity Kunal Mehta Support

I support this in principle and am excited to see how the decentralization plank of the movement strategy pans out.

#4: The WMF should continually seek to reduce, rather than expand, its scope of responsibilities, leaving as much as possible to the community's self-organized capacity Farah Jack Mustaklem Strong support

A decentralized Wikimedia movement is a model we're striving for. Any responsibilties that can be taken on by the communities should be in the hands of the communities, with the Foundation playing a supporting role rather than a driving one.

#4: The WMF should continually seek to reduce, rather than expand, its scope of responsibilities, leaving as much as possible to the community's self-organized capacity Mike Peel Support

WMF needs to make sure that its activities are appropriately focused, and to enable other parts of the Wikimedia movement to take on tasks that they are better suited for (e.g., affiliates working in different countries and contexts). Continuously seeking to reduce tasks helps with that - although it needs to be balanced with being open to new opportunities, and avoiding unilateral reduction or expansion.

#5: WMF fundraising is deceptive: it creates a false appearance that the WMF is short of money while it is in fact richer than ever Michał Buczyński Support

This question combines a few substatements and assumptions. Firstly, the WMF should have more assets than ever, but I don't believe its fundraising is too high - it is rather that investments made in e.g. software are too low. On the other hand, our fundraising, while efficient, is stressing to much server's maintainance, and should boast with other areas of activity more: from technical work to e.g. fight with misinformation.

#5: WMF fundraising is deceptive: it creates a false appearance that the WMF is short of money while it is in fact richer than ever Shani Evenstein Sigalov Oppose

WMF is indeed richer than ever, but still needs money, especially considering we our ambitious vision for 2030, and thinking about the sustainability of our projects for posterities. It is not easy and money is needed. I do feel that the online campaign can be improved. See videos for more.

#5: WMF fundraising is deceptive: it creates a false appearance that the WMF is short of money while it is in fact richer than ever Tobechukwu Precious Friday Oppose

The Wikimedia Foundation is funded primarily through donations, institutional grants and gifts as well as the small revenue earned through the Wikimedia Enterprise. I feel there's nothing wrong with the approach as no one is forced to make donations. (People see value in what we do and hence do not see anything deceitful about its fundraising. As a large organization with large number of projects, it needs funds to stay afloat.

#5: WMF fundraising is deceptive: it creates a false appearance that the WMF is short of money while it is in fact richer than ever Kunal Mehta Support

The current fundraising approach is based on the WMF constantly growing. The board and upper management set aggressive growth targets and then the fundraising team needs to resort to more and more extreme measures to reach them, which end up being percieved as deceptive. I would like to see the WMF stop growing and stabilize at it's current size.

#5: WMF fundraising is deceptive: it creates a false appearance that the WMF is short of money while it is in fact richer than ever Farah Jack Mustaklem Oppose

I am against this characterization of the state of fundraising by the WMF. The Foundation could always use more funds to support the community in promoting free knowledge.

#5: WMF fundraising is deceptive: it creates a false appearance that the WMF is short of money while it is in fact richer than ever Mike Peel Strong support

I agree with the statement, and this needs to be fixed. However, it needs to be done in a way that does not stop the flow of money to open source and freely licensed work, since having funding for such work is very important. Involving affiliates in fundraising would help a lot with this, particularly with improving donor relations, and showcasing local activities to the donor community.

#6: The primary activity of the Wikimedia Foundation should be funding the Wikimedia community's efforts. Michał Buczyński Support

Primary activity of the WMF is "empowering and engaging people around the world to collect and develop educational content under a free license or in the public domain, and to disseminate it effectively and globally." Funding efforts empowers and engages people, and when communities properly map and prioritize needs and efforts is a good way to go. Nevertheless, in particular areas community proposals may be not optimal, and this is one of the tasks of the WMF leadership to identify weak spots.

#6: The primary activity of the Wikimedia Foundation should be funding the Wikimedia community's efforts. Shani Evenstein Sigalov Neutral

That depends how you define "Community efforts". To me that is very vague. Does that include taking care of the platforms, servers, etc? Because a significant part of the annual budget goes toward that, and various other tech/product efforts.

#6: The primary activity of the Wikimedia Foundation should be funding the Wikimedia community's efforts. Tobechukwu Precious Friday Oppose

I do not agree with this. In my opinion, the primary responsibility of the WMF is to empower and engage people around the world to collect and develop educational content under a free license or in the public domain, and to disseminate it effectively and globally. This can be done in several ways not restricted to funding Communities.

#6: The primary activity of the Wikimedia Foundation should be funding the Wikimedia community's efforts. Kunal Mehta Support

I'm not exactly sure about the wording here, but the primary function of the WMF is to serve the projects.

#6: The primary activity of the Wikimedia Foundation should be funding the Wikimedia community's efforts. Farah Jack Mustaklem Oppose

While the Foundation should continue to fund the community's efforts, that is not the primary function of the Foundation. Funding technology that maintains the infrastructure on which all the community's efforts are based is the main function.

#6: The primary activity of the Wikimedia Foundation should be funding the Wikimedia community's efforts. Mike Peel Support

The core activity of the movement is the community's work. However, there are related activities (at least on the technical side of things!) that need significant activity, while not directly relating to the community.

#7: The WMF should generally opt for community-vetted ideas, rather than internal ideas, as the basis for its organizational roadmap Michał Buczyński Neutral
  • If* well managed, goals of the WMF should be well-aligned with the goals of the Movement. And in terms of ideas and leadership I believe that 1) community is our fantastic pool of leaders and experts 2) the WMF should hire dedicated experts, and ideas coming from them are very much expected. Ideas should be implemented when they are great and regardless of the source; this is a point of decentralisation. Certainly, "mission creep" or negligence can harm both the WMF and the communities.
#7: The WMF should generally opt for community-vetted ideas, rather than internal ideas, as the basis for its organizational roadmap Shani Evenstein Sigalov Neutral

Not sure I fully understand this statement. WMF is now aligned with Movement Strategy. That was a community-driven effort. Everything we all do should stem from that and work toward that. I do not believe in any extremes. Professional advice should be considered. Also, it is not "us vs. them", but rather everyone working together toward shared goals, and having mechanisms to exchange ideas and reach conclusions together.

#7: The WMF should generally opt for community-vetted ideas, rather than internal ideas, as the basis for its organizational roadmap Tobechukwu Precious Friday Strong support

I totally agree with this. There should be equity in decision making and not just imposition of decisions. This plays out especially in the area of tools and technology development. The community knows what suits them most hence, community -vetted ideas should be encouraged.

#7: The WMF should generally opt for community-vetted ideas, rather than internal ideas, as the basis for its organizational roadmap Kunal Mehta Strong support

This is fundamentally the concept of bottom-up prioritization that I will advocate for on the board. We've seen time and time again, especially on technical issues, that the board and WMF upper management are out of touch with issues and problems that editors and staff on the ground are facing. We should be soliciting ideas out of those groups of people first, rather than getting them solely from the top.

#7: The WMF should generally opt for community-vetted ideas, rather than internal ideas, as the basis for its organizational roadmap Farah Jack Mustaklem Support

The WMF should support community-vetted ideas, rather than push its own ideas. Communities know best what they need, and if deemd viable, they should be pursued by the WMF.

#7: The WMF should generally opt for community-vetted ideas, rather than internal ideas, as the basis for its organizational roadmap Mike Peel Support

As a general rule, this is good, and community ideas should be very much supported. However, WMF staff are still part of the community, and 'internal' ideas are important - particularly since they come from a different perspective. They need to be balanced.

#8: The Universal Code of Conduct is a net positive addition to the Wikimedia movement Michał Buczyński Strong support

UCoC responds to the needs of community members voiced in the strategic process. It elevates common standards in terms of safety and inclusion - and even as details are still being discussed, and we still need to watch carefully the enforcability in practice, global standards were a step in the right direction.

#8: The Universal Code of Conduct is a net positive addition to the Wikimedia movement Shani Evenstein Sigalov Strong support

The UCoC is a critical step toward implementing any other of the strategic recommendations, and part of a larger effort for a healthier, safer, more inclusive Movement.

#8: The Universal Code of Conduct is a net positive addition to the Wikimedia movement Tobechukwu Precious Friday Strong support

I support the UCoC as it helps Wikimedians to operate at a basic level while respecting one another.

#8: The Universal Code of Conduct is a net positive addition to the Wikimedia movement Kunal Mehta Support

Civility policies exist on many projects, a global version seems useful as the projects grow closer together. The devil is in the details and we should be prepared to edit and fix problems in the UCoC as it is rolled out.

#8: The Universal Code of Conduct is a net positive addition to the Wikimedia movement Farah Jack Mustaklem Strong support

The UCoC is a document that contains univrersal values that should be followed by all.

#8: The Universal Code of Conduct is a net positive addition to the Wikimedia movement Mike Peel Support

While not perfect, the UCoC significantly helps the movement by ensuring better community health. Its positives outweigh the negatives.

#9: Future community seats of the Board of Trustees should be filled purely by a contributor (editor, volunteer developer, and so on) vote on all nominees Michał Buczyński Support

Both physical persons (members of the communities) and the affiliates deserve their representation as currently the WMF still plays a major role and affects their life. Generally these seats don't need to be merged, and separate elections can give both groups a better representation (or at least a its better perception).

#9: Future community seats of the Board of Trustees should be filled purely by a contributor (editor, volunteer developer, and so on) vote on all nominees Shani Evenstein Sigalov Strong opposition

Unclear statement. Does it refer to current community-affiliates seats, or to all seats, suggesting that there should not be any seats that the Board itself appoints? If the former, thanaffiliates should also be involved. If the latter, then I oppose completely, as the Board must have some flexibility to appoint people with professional expertise, that might not be elected by the community, in order to be in complience.

#9: Future community seats of the Board of Trustees should be filled purely by a contributor (editor, volunteer developer, and so on) vote on all nominees Tobechukwu Precious Friday Neutral

I'm indifferent about this. I'm someone who encourages diversity. As long as they have the passion and enthusiasm for the mission, I don't have a problem with it.

#9: Future community seats of the Board of Trustees should be filled purely by a contributor (editor, volunteer developer, and so on) vote on all nominees Kunal Mehta Support

I am glad to see that the Board decided to move to a mostly community vote for what traditionally would've been affiliate-selected seats. In this election, the use of affiliates as a primary wasn't effective, as the analysis committee consumed more time than the value it provided. Ultimately, we should aim to keep the official process as simple and straightforward as possible.

#9: Future community seats of the Board of Trustees should be filled purely by a contributor (editor, volunteer developer, and so on) vote on all nominees Farah Jack Mustaklem Neutral

Contributors' votes on all nominees are important, but affiliates votes are just as important. They current hybrid system tries to balance the two.

#9: Future community seats of the Board of Trustees should be filled purely by a contributor (editor, volunteer developer, and so on) vote on all nominees Mike Peel Support

It is crucial that community seats are filled by community processes, and contributors are a huge and important part of that. However, the community goes beyond just contributions by editors and developers: those working on the organisational side of Wikimedia (e.g., organising in-person events) are providing valuable contributions to the Wikimedia movement that aren't counted by edits, and should also be able to vote in WMF board elections.

#10: I am uncomfortable with the way the WMF organization has continuously grown its staff headcount and budget and taken on more and more tasks that are not directly related to the Wikimedia projects and the volunteer communities working on them Michał Buczyński Support

I am afraid by a lack of focus, not only in the WMF but in general Wikimedia Movement, and temptations to try to solve all the world's problems, which leads to mission creep". Some of the new or strengthened activities are very well aligned with what we do (e.g. general free speech defense), some of them less so (Knowledge Equity Fund, environmental impact). BoT needs to prioritize the most pressing issues so the Movement keeps core values and remains relevant technologically and socially.

#10: I am uncomfortable with the way the WMF organization has continuously grown its staff headcount and budget and taken on more and more tasks that are not directly related to the Wikimedia projects and the volunteer communities working on them Shani Evenstein Sigalov Neutral

I agree with the first part -- I do believe that under previous management, WMF has grown too fast. That said, we have new management, and the focus now is on stopping that growth and stablizing the organization. As for the second part -- I do not agree with it. To my knowlegde, WMF is *not* doing anything that is not directly related to our core mission. On the contrary, we don't seem to be able to do all that needs to be done / or wanted by the community.

#10: I am uncomfortable with the way the WMF organization has continuously grown its staff headcount and budget and taken on more and more tasks that are not directly related to the Wikimedia projects and the volunteer communities working on them Tobechukwu Precious Friday Support

I support this. I feel the WMF should stop hiring and try working with existing staff to better and effectively carry out the mission.

#10: I am uncomfortable with the way the WMF organization has continuously grown its staff headcount and budget and taken on more and more tasks that are not directly related to the Wikimedia projects and the volunteer communities working on them Kunal Mehta Strong support

I am uncomfortable with this as I believe we have not seen a proportional increase in output for the increase in headcount.

#10: I am uncomfortable with the way the WMF organization has continuously grown its staff headcount and budget and taken on more and more tasks that are not directly related to the Wikimedia projects and the volunteer communities working on them Farah Jack Mustaklem Strong opposition

I am in fact pretty comfortable at the WMF taking on tasks that are related to the core mission of the Movement, even if they are not directly related to a Wikimedia project.

#10: I am uncomfortable with the way the WMF organization has continuously grown its staff headcount and budget and taken on more and more tasks that are not directly related to the Wikimedia projects and the volunteer communities working on them Mike Peel Strong support

I am uncomfortable with the huge increase in the WMF's budget over the years. I want to see this rationalised (and I have been trying to push towards this for a long time, e.g., through recommendations by the Funds Dissemination Committee). However, there are important issues that the WMF needs to work on that don't directly affect the community. Copyright extensions are a particularly relevant example here: we should ensure that works enter the public domain on reasonable timescales.

#11: Well over 50 percent of Wikimedia Foundation expenses is spent on salaries in the US; that percentage is too great Michał Buczyński Support

Firstly, future role and shape of the WMF, as well as the composition of the whole Wikimedia Movement, may be pretty different after the Movement Charter. Considering current status of the WMF, there is a plenty of room for decentralisation and spinning off or delegating various activities run by other organisational entities. Decentralisation combined with diversity, equity and seeking efficiacy, should mean larger entities, located beyond California.

#11: Well over 50 percent of Wikimedia Foundation expenses is spent on salaries in the US; that percentage is too great Shani Evenstein Sigalov Oppose

This is unclear. Too great compared to what? For whom? What would be a good way to judge that? What would be a satisfying number? To me, it is not about the numbers, but rather a continous effort to be fair to all employees. We have staff in over 50 countries. It is extremely complex, and as we're incorporated in the US, we indeed have a large group of staff (and senior staff) in the US. That influence how the pie is divided. But is that the right measure for equity and inclusion? Not sure.

#11: Well over 50 percent of Wikimedia Foundation expenses is spent on salaries in the US; that percentage is too great Tobechukwu Precious Friday Neutral

I'm neutral about this and hence my encouraging the WMF to stop hiring.

#11: Well over 50 percent of Wikimedia Foundation expenses is spent on salaries in the US; that percentage is too great Kunal Mehta Neutral

I don't have enough information to verify this. I would like to see WMF engage in salary transparency. A more diverse staff is always a good thing, but there are way more tenants to diversity than just where someone lives today.

#11: Well over 50 percent of Wikimedia Foundation expenses is spent on salaries in the US; that percentage is too great Farah Jack Mustaklem Support

The Wikimedia Foundation should strive for inclusivity in its hiring practices. While the Foundation is US based, its projects are global in nature.

#11: Well over 50 percent of Wikimedia Foundation expenses is spent on salaries in the US; that percentage is too great Mike Peel Oppose

The WMF is a US-based organisation. It is natural to expect that it spends most of its money on salaries in the US. This is why we have affiliates that work across the globe: we should instead be spending more movement money through affiliates, rather than the WMF.

#12: The Election Committee must be made actively accountable to and selected or elected by the community Michał Buczyński Support

Good governance requires a certain level of direct accountability from the Election Committee, and the process involving volunteers is an interesting way for new community leaders. Nevertheless, per current bylaws choosing new BoT members is the WMF's manner, and their requirements are vital. Also we want to avoid an overly amount of influence which could e.g. distort the results by a few dedicated persons.

#12: The Election Committee must be made actively accountable to and selected or elected by the community Shani Evenstein Sigalov Neutral

I would rather not comment on the election committee during the elections themselves. I find it weird and a bad practice. I am already on record agreeing that some aspects of the election process could be improved, that includes the election committee, but not only them. But in any case, candidates commenting on it further during the elections they are part of seems in poor taste and not the right process to change things.

#12: The Election Committee must be made actively accountable to and selected or elected by the community Tobechukwu Precious Friday Support

I agree with this. The committee should equally be accountable to the community for better alignment and synergy.

#12: The Election Committee must be made actively accountable to and selected or elected by the community Kunal Mehta Strong support

Those running community elections should be accountable to the community. The 2021 and 2022 board elections have shown that the goals of a standing election committee have not been realized. We should re-evaluate the committee's charter and structure as whole immediately after this election concludes.

#12: The Election Committee must be made actively accountable to and selected or elected by the community Farah Jack Mustaklem Support

The community should oversee the functioning of the Election Committee and hold it accountable.

#12: The Election Committee must be made actively accountable to and selected or elected by the community Mike Peel Strong support

I am concerned by the way that the Election Committee is appointed, since it does not seem to include community involvement in that process. I am also concerned about how responsive it is to questions during the elections, and I think it needs to do a lot more planning work before elections start, to make sure that the process is clearly set out before the elections start.

#13: Simplify the Board of Trustees Election Process to keep Community Members interested and engaged Michał Buczyński Support

As noted above, separate elections for volunteer communities and affiliates should offer a better representation (or at least a its better perception) and more understanding, in return offering more participation.

#13: Simplify the Board of Trustees Election Process to keep Community Members interested and engaged Shani Evenstein Sigalov Strong support (n/a)
#13: Simplify the Board of Trustees Election Process to keep Community Members interested and engaged Tobechukwu Precious Friday Strong support

I can't agree less. People are not encouraged to run because of the hectic process.

#13: Simplify the Board of Trustees Election Process to keep Community Members interested and engaged Kunal Mehta Strong support

Elections work best when voters fully understand and engage with the process. This election process has done the exact opposite.

#13: Simplify the Board of Trustees Election Process to keep Community Members interested and engaged Farah Jack Mustaklem Support

User engagement and attention-span are limited. In the current election cycle, the Election Committee has tried to greatly simplify the process. There are still steps that could be taken to further simplify it.

#13: Simplify the Board of Trustees Election Process to keep Community Members interested and engaged Mike Peel Strong support

This is the second time I have been through this process, and both times it has been very complex - but in different ways. A straightforward process, with rules and processes clearly shared in advance (and discussed with the community), would help a lot here.

#14: The software development should be focused on constant development and core features instead of short projects and new features. Michał Buczyński Neutral

I think the wording of this question is not very fortunate. There are many good examples of smaller things e.g. improving the quality of life and productivity of the volunteers Considering rationale for the statement, perhapse it should ask "The software development should be planned strategically and for the long-term, building both foundations and features."

#14: The software development should be focused on constant development and core features instead of short projects and new features. Shani Evenstein Sigalov Neutral

This statement is a bit too vague for me to comment on. I agree with parts of it, and disagree with others. I'll have to better understand what was meant here to properly comment.

#14: The software development should be focused on constant development and core features instead of short projects and new features. Tobechukwu Precious Friday Strong support

I totally agree. That's why Apps in an app store are regularly updated. We should focus on tools that are sustainable and can be updated rather than short term tools that phase out

#14: The software development should be focused on constant development and core features instead of short projects and new features. Kunal Mehta Oppose

We need both. We need a solid platform team to maintain core features, but also teams that can develop new features that we lack. Lately we have done too much new feature development and not enough maintainance. I want to also stress that technical development must be a collaboration between volunteers and staff.

#14: The software development should be focused on constant development and core features instead of short projects and new features. Farah Jack Mustaklem Neutral

Core feature development is just as important as implementing new features. I wouldn't defund one to focus on the other.

#14: The software development should be focused on constant development and core features instead of short projects and new features. Mike Peel Support

We have a huge backlog of technical requests and bugfixes from the community, which need to be resolved. We also have a lot of core features that need significant development and improvement. However, we do also need new features developing (such as a properly scalable user interface that works well on both large and small devices!). There needs to be a better balance here, which needs to be done in consultation with the community.

#15: The WMF should initiate a participatory budgeting process, in which the editor community participates in the allocation of funds Michał Buczyński Support

Carefully support as the ambigous wording may reflect various concepts. Firstly, such processes exist, including grant committees and Wishlist Survey. Secondly, the level of participation needs to be reasonable for all the sides - e.g. a discussion of the whole budget with entire community might be competely unattainable to everyone - however deep assessment from representatives (e.g. the FDC) or larger wishlist budget and opportunities for the wider community are praiseworthy.

#15: The WMF should initiate a participatory budgeting process, in which the editor community participates in the allocation of funds Shani Evenstein Sigalov Neutral

WMF should allow feedback on the Annual Planning Process, which has already been implemented. I don't think we can run a budget in a completely participatory manner. Can't imagine how such a process will work, practically, in a sustainable & timely manner. Also, the role of the Board is to oversee the budget and operations. The community selects the majority of Trustees. Have confience in your elected to do their job. Finally, if there's a practical proposal for such a process, do send it to the Community Affairs Committee for consideration.

#15: The WMF should initiate a participatory budgeting process, in which the editor community participates in the allocation of funds Tobechukwu Precious Friday Neutral

I'm indifferent about this.

#15: The WMF should initiate a participatory budgeting process, in which the editor community participates in the allocation of funds Kunal Mehta Support

I would like to see more specifics on how this would work in practice, but I am Support of processes that are bottom-up.

#15: The WMF should initiate a participatory budgeting process, in which the editor community participates in the allocation of funds Farah Jack Mustaklem Support

Out of the principle of opennes and paricipatory inclusion, the community should have a say in fund allocation.

#15: The WMF should initiate a participatory budgeting process, in which the editor community participates in the allocation of funds Mike Peel Support I have been involved in participatory Wikimedia grant committees for the last decade, and they work very well at bringing in different viewpoints and experiences to help improve annual plans. Participatory budget processes would be a big step forward - although I think the first step is to move towards participatory reviews of the WMF's annual plan.