Separation axiom

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In the mathematical field of topology, there are several restrictions that one often makes on the kinds of topological spaces that one wishes to consider. Some of these restrictions are given by the separation axioms.

The separation axioms are axioms only in the sense that, when defining the notion of topological space, you could throw these conditions in as extra axioms to get a more restricted notion of what a topological space is. The modern approach is to fix once and for all the axiomatisation of topological space and then speak of kinds of topological spaces. However, the term "separation axiom" has stuck. The separation axioms are denoted with the letter "T" after the German word "Trennung".

See the Glossary at the end of this article for a definitive list of axioms and links to those axioms with their own articles on Wikipedia.

Definitions of the main axioms

Please read Modern Terminology below before bandying about these terms!

See also Other Separation Axioms below.

As originally formulated, the separation axioms are:

T1 axiom

Given any distinct points x and y in the topological space, there are neighbourhoods U of x and V of y such that x does not belong to V and y does not belong to U.

T2 axiom

Given any distinct points x and y in the topological space, there are neighbourhoods U of x and V of y such that U and V are disjoint.

T3 axiom

Given any point x and closed set F in the topological space such that x does not belong to F, there are neighbourhoods U of x and V of F such that U and V are disjoint.

T4 axiom

Given any disjoint closed sets E and F in the topological space, there are neighbourhoods U of E and V of F such that U and V are disjoint.

Later, some more were added:

T0 axiom

Given any distinct points x and y in the topological space, there are neighbourhoods U of x and V of y such that x does not belong to V or y does not belong to U.

T axiom

Given any distinct points x and y in the topological space, there are closed neighbourhoods U of x and V of y such that U and V are disjoint.

T axiom

Given any point x and closed set F in the topological space X such that x does not belong to F, there is a continuous function f from X to the real line R such that f(x) = 0 and f(F) = {1}.

T5 axiom

Every subspace of the topological space satisfies the T4 axiom.

Elementary results

To explain why the modern terminology in the next section is what it is, one needs to understand this section, or at least its last paragraph. Here X is a topological space.

First consider the modification from the T4 axiom to the T5 axiom, asking for the axiom to be satisfied by every subspace. Why isn't this modification made to any of the other axioms? Because it does nothing to them:

  • If X satisfies any separation axiom other than T4, then so does every subspace of X.

Now consider the modification from the T3 axiom to the T axiom, in which asking the neighbourhoods to be disjoint is replaced with asking for a continuous function that witnesses this fact. Why isn't this modification made to any of the other applicable axioms? When made to the T2 axiom, this modification yields the Urysohn axiom (see Other Separation Axioms), but it does nothing to the T4 and T5 axioms:

  • If X satisfies the T4 axiom and E and F are disjoint closed sets in X, then there is a continuous function f from X to the real line R such that f(E) = {0} and f(F) = {1}. (This is the Urysohn lemma and is the only statement here that is difficult to prove.)
  • If X satisfies the T5 axiom, then every subspace of X has the property in the previous bullet point.

Now consider the modification from the T2 axiom to the T axiom, in which the neighbourhoods are required to be closed. Why isn't this modification made to any of the other axioms? It either does nothing to the axiom or strengthens it to T2:

  • If X satisfies any separation axiom Ti for i > 2½, then it satisfies the same axiom with "neighbourhoods" replaced by "closed neighbourhoods".
  • If X satisfies the T2 axiom, then it satisfies T0 and T1 with "neighbourhoods" replaced by "closed neighbourhoods".
  • If X satisfies the T0 or T1 axioms with "neighbourhoods" replaced by "closed neighbourhoods", then it satisfies the T2 axiom.

Finally, notice that:

  • X satisfies the T0 axiom iff, given any distinct points x and y in X, x does not belong to the closure of {y} or y does not belong to the closure of {x}.
  • X satisfies the T1 axiom iff any point {x} is closed.

Thus to end this section, we get these implications:

  • If X satisfies T5, then it satisfies T4.
  • If X satisfies T4 and T3, then it satisfies T.
  • If X satisfies T4 and T1, then it satisfies T.
  • If X satisfies T, then it satisfies T3.
  • If X satisfies T3 and T0, then it satisfies T.
  • If X satisfies T, then it satisfies T2.
  • If X satisfies T2, then it satisfies T1.
  • If X satisfies T1, then it satisfies T0.

Modern terminology

It's clear from the last list of bullet points that a really nice list of properties is the following, in which each property is strictly stronger than the previous one:

  • X satisfies T0;
  • X satisfies T1;
  • X satisfies T2;
  • X satisfies T;
  • X satisfies T3 and T0;
  • X satisfies T and T0;
  • X satisfies T4 and T1;
  • X satisfies T5 and T1.

To discuss these, terminology like the following has developed:

AxiomCommon NounPersonAdded Axiom
Tcompletely separatedUrysohn
Tcompletely regularTychonoffT0
T5completely normalT1

The axioms in the Added Axiom column are those that must be added to the axioms in the Axiom column to create the "nice" list of properties above.

With the exception of "separated", the terms in the Common Noun column are very commonly used. With the exception of Hausdorff, the mathematicians in the Person column find their names used more rarely.

Leaving the Person column aside for the moment, in the rows T3 and higher, there are two concepts that require naming: satisfying the axiom in the Axiom column, and satisfying both the axiom in the Axiom column and the axiom in the Added Axiom column. The most natural solution, given the terms in the table, is to say "Ti" when the Ti axiom alone is satisfied and then use the term in the Common Noun column when the axiom in the Added Axiom column is also satisfied, and this is exactly what was originally done. Such usage can be found, for example, in Steen & Seebach (see Sources below).

However, this means that the most "nice" properties don't have the simplest names. So it is most common nowadays to say that a space "is" Ti or is a "Ti space" (as opposed to merely "satisfies" the Ti axiom) for some i when it satisfies both the axiom Ti and the corresponding axiom (if any) in the Added Axiom column. Then the term in the Common Noun column can be used for a space satisfying only the axiom Ti. Thus, the meanings have been switched. The modern usage can be found, for example, in Willard (see Sources). It is also the usage adopted in Wikipedia.

As for the Person column, with the exception of "separated" and "Hausdorff", which are always interchangeable, the terms in the Common Noun column usually don't mean the same thing as the name of the mathematicians in the Person column. Unfortunately, again there is no agreement on what the difference is. Originally, "completely separated" referred to the T axiom, while "Urysohn" refered to the Urysohn axiom listed in Other Separation Axioms below. But the usage is usually reversed nowadays. On the other hand, "Tychonoff" originally referred to only the T axiom, while today it usually implies the T0 axiom as well. Thus, the meaning of "completely regular" and "Tychonoff" have also been switched.

To make matters even more confusing, just because an author has chosen the more modern interpretation of (say) what "Tychonoff" means doesn't mean that they have chosen the more modern interpretation of what (say) "regular" means. There are probably five or six systems in use.

But the bottom line is this: When reading a book, paper, or web site about topology, always make sure that you know which definitions the author is using!!!

(A final note: The adjective "completely" can be placed before "Hausdorff", "T2", "T3", and "T4" as well as before "separated", "regular", and "normal". So "completely T3" means the same as "T", whatever that may be. This just gives each system some alternative words but fortunately doesn't lead to an explosion of new systems of terminology. A glossary of all possible terms appears at the end of this article.)

Other separation axioms

There are a few other related axioms that don't fit into this numbering scheme. These are:

Perfect T4 axiom

Given any disjoint closed sets A and B, there is a continuous function f from X to the real line R such that f -1({0}) = A and f -1({1}) = B.

Originally, a topological space that satisfied the perfect T4 axiom was called "perfectly T4", but it's now usually called "perfectly normal". You get the other term (whichever it may be) by adding the requirement that the space satisfy T1.

Any space that satisfies the perfect T4 axiom must also satisfy the T5 axiom. If you try to analogously define a "perfect T3" axiom, you actually get back the T axiom. Similarly, if you try to analogously define a "perfect T2" axiom, you get the Urysohn axiom from below in this section.

Urysohn axiom

Given any distinct points x and y in X, there is a continuous function f from X to the real line R such that f(x) = 0 and f(y) = 1.

As mentioned in the section Modern Terminology above, spaces satisfying the Urysohn axiom were originally called "Urysohn" spaces, but they are now more often called "completely separated" (or "completely Hausdorff", or "completely T2"), with the term "Urysohn space" used more generally for any space that satisfies T.

Any topological space satisfying both T and T0 must satisfy the Urysohn axiom, and any space that satisfies the Urysohn axiom must satisfy the T axiom.

Semiregularity axiom

First note that if the topological space X satisfies T3, then the regular open sets form a base for the open sets on X. This may be the origin of the association of T3 with the term "regular". In any case, X is semiregular iff the regular open sets form a base. But the term "semiregular" was originally reserved for a space that also satisfies T2, adding another level to the terminological confusion.

R1 axiom

Given any points x and y in X, either there are neighbourhoods U of x and V of y such that U and V are disjoint or x belongs to the closure of {y} and y belongs to the closure of {x}.

Thus a space satisfies the T2 axiom iff it satisfies both T0 and R1 axioms. Any space satisfying the T3 axiom must satisfy R1. Essentially, R1 is T2 without the T0.

A topological space is preregular iff it satisfies R1.

R0 axiom

Given any points x and y in X, x belongs to the closure of {y} if and only if y belongs to the closure of {x}.

Thus a space satisfies the T1 axiom iff it satisfies both the T0 and R0 axioms. Any space satisfying R1 must satisfy R0, and any space satisfying the T4 and R0 axioms must satisfy the T axiom.

A topological space is symmetric iff it satisfies the R0 axiom.

These last two properties fit into an alternative sequence of "nice" properties, as in the following table:

Usual nice propertyAlternative nice property
T0 axiomNo requirement
T1 axiomR0 axiom
T2 axiomR1 axiom
T3 and T0 axiomsT3 axiom
T and T0 axiomsT axiom
T4 and T1 axiomsT4 and R0 axioms

In this table, each row is stronger than the one above it, and you get the properties in the left column by adding the requirement T0 to the properties in the right column.


A diagram of the relationships between the separation axioms is under construction.


Here, in alphabetical order, are all the terms that are used to describe a topological space with a certain separation property, to the knowledge of the authors of this article so far. The definitions are given in terms of which axioms they satisfy. Many terms have two definitions in use, an older definition and a more modern definition; we give both for your reference, but Wikipedia always follows the more modern definition. The modern definitions of some of these terms can also be found in the Topology Glossary. Links are provided to those types of spaces that have articles of their own in Wikipedia.

Type of spaceAxioms required in:
Original definitionModern definition (= Wikipedia usage)
completely HausdorffTUrysohn axiom
completely normalT5, T1T5
completely regularT, T0T
completely separatedTUrysohn axiom
completely T2 spaceTUrysohn axiom
completely T3 spaceTT, T0
completely T4 spaceT5T5, T1
FréchetT1 (or else completely unrelated notion of Fréchet space from functional analysis)
normalT4, T1T4
perfectly normalperfect T4, T1perfect T4
perfectly T4 spaceperfect T4T4, T1
R0 spaceR0
R1 spaceR1
regularT3, T0T3
semiregularsemiregularity axiom, T2semiregularity axiom
T0 spaceT0
T1 spaceT1
T2 spaceT2
T spaceT
T3 spaceT3T3, T0
T spaceTT, T0
T4 spaceT4T4, T1
T5 spaceT5T5, T1
TychonoffTT, T0
UrysohnUrysohn axiomT


  • Schechter, Eric; 1997; Handbook of Analysis and its Foundations; Electronic Edition; Academic Press and Aztec Corporation: Waltham, MA (1998)
    • has Ri axioms
  • Steen, Lynn Arthur, & Seebach, J. Arthur, Jr.; 1978; Counterexamples in Topology; Second Edition; Dover: New York (1995)
    • standard reference with older terminology
  • Willard, Stephen; General Topology; Addison-Wesley
    • standard reference with newer terminology